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Chapter Three

Peter's POV

I had successfully wasted my day off by sleeping and fretting over an old acquaintance's recollection of me.

Rather, whether or not Michelle recognized me. I knew that it was highly unlikely as I had changed plenty since the eighth grade, but still I felt sick at the realization that I knew who she was on the spot.

Would she notice that I wasn't at school? Maybe she would think it was because I was avoiding her. Was I avoiding her? I didn't think so...

What if Ned told her? No, why would he do that? I swallowed my nerves and simply decided that I would go back to school tomorrow, and until then I would try my best not to worry about any of it.

I was slumped on the couch now, scrolling through Instagram and drinking hot tea. Aunt May was reading a book, as she had left work early to come check on me, and she suddenly looked up at me.


"Yeah?" I asked nervously, for no reason at all.

"Have you finally started wearing those contacts that you've had forever?"

Confused, I brought my hand up to touch the bridge of my nose where my glasses should have been, but I misjudged the distance and ended up smacking myself rather roughly in the face. I winced, reopening my eyes to blink around the room. I could see perfectly. Flawlessly, at that. I wasn't sure whether to be more concerned that I had forgotten to put on my glasses this morning, or that my eye sight suddenly seemed to have been fixed.

"Yeah," I muttered nervously.

"Huh," May huffed, before turning her attention back to her book.

Fascinated, I fiddled with my phone as I glanced around the room. The clock - I could read the clock. I could even see the TV clearly, which was turned to the news where a story had just come out about something called the Sokovia Accords. An image of the Avengers flashed across the screen.

"I-I'm gonna go lay down again," I said, clutching my wrist.

"Let me know if you need anything," Aunt May said, her eyes never lifting from her book, but by that point I was already in my room. The door slammed, and I witnessed a small crack form above the frame.

My grip on my arm tightened until my fingers began to turn red. It couldn't be. I wasn't sure what had happened to me in that lab, but I was going to find out.

I hurried to my computer, a mismatched set of technology that I had compiled from various dumpsters and consignment shops, and began to search up everything that I never wanted to know about spiders.

And so, I began testing my abilities. My vision had increased dramatically, to the point where I sometimes had to cover up part of my eyes to focus clearly on something. I knew that my strength was also more apparent, but I couldn't exactly test that here. What about... webs? I nearly laughed at the thought of being able to weave cobwebs whenever I wished. I flicked my wrists around, pointing and aiming at various objects.

Having failed, and still being overwhelmed by whatever the fuck was going on, I sighed deeply. As I went to bring my hand up to my throbbing temple, I accidentally whacked myself in the head. I groaned loudly, but when I went to move my hand away, it stuck to my face. Just great.

I pulled and pulled but nothing was working. Eventually, I had to coax each fingertip off one by one by the use of my free hand. I examined my fingers closely and, with my newly heightened vision, I swore that I could see tiny hair-like things covered my hand. Eyes wide, I stood up and walked to a space on my wall that was vacant, save an Academic Decathlon poster. I hesitantly placed one hand on the wall, and then the other, and finally my foot. Steadying myself, I cautiously let go of the floor completely and was now clinging desperately to the shiny paper of the poster. I began slowly climbing upwards, one hand and then the other, until I came to the place where the wall met the ceiling, and then I continued on.

I was now completely reliant on my new spider abilities, and as I reluctantly turned my head to look at the distance I was from the cold, hard floor, I fell.

Springs creaked as I collapsed right onto the mattress. "Nice save, Peter," I mumbled. I was now completely exhausted by my efforts, but I wanted to try one more thing. The clock now read eleven o'clock, and the world outside of my window had grown a dark color.

I crept out of my room, scanning the area to make sure May wasn't still up, and pursued the kitchen. I retrieved an orange from the drawer in the fridge and examined it closely. When I had first started my t shots, I remembered the nurse having my first practice on an orange. And so I took the fruit in my hand now and bit into it with all of my might. Venom, right?

"Peter, honey, you do know that you're supposed to peel the orange first?" Shit. I turned around to see Aunt May standing there in a bathrobe and slippers. My teeth burned from the cold, but I hadn't seemed to have poisoned the flesh of the orange.

I looked at May and nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, yeah totally, I was just uh- trying to see if it was... ripe."

She laughed softly, wrapping an arm around me as she led me back to my room and helped me onto the bed. "Goodnight, Peter. Sweet dreams."

As she shut the door, I cursed to myself. If I still hadn't been able to spot her with my new eyesight, then I was going to practice. Hell, maybe in practicing I would even find a way to conjure my own venom.


okay so i know that this is all just sorta thrown together, i haven't been editing anything yet

also about uncle ben, as of rn the back story is just that he's already been gone for a while cos i feel like i have too many side plots and also i really wanna get to where pete meets the avengers, so i may go back and rewrite him in eventually but for now he's just not here

and ofc if anyone has any suggestions let me know!!

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