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Whose the king of not having a regular uploading schedule??? It's this guy!!!!!!!

Also trigger warning for needles, not too graphic at all but I'll give a warning right before it so you can skim if you need to.

Chapter Twenty

Peter's POV

I rubbed subconsciously at my ribs, which were slightly sore from experiencing the wrath of freaking Black Widow's thighs. We had all changed back into our plainclothes after whatever the hell that had been, and now I was back in Doctor Strange's office, awaiting the results of the blood test. I was in basketball shorts and my usual layered shirts, though the whole building seemed uncomfortably warm.

"So Peter, tell me about your transition so far," he said.

"Well, I came out when I was 12, and May was really cool about it from the start. May's my aunt, by the way. I live with her. Anyway I didn't come out at school, though, I just switched to a new high school and started all over. And then I was able to start testosterone when I turned 14."

He nodded his head as he jotted down a few notes on a clipboard. "And your friends, do they know?"

"Yeah, yeah they do, and they're great. One of them is actually nonbinary, which is cool. And then Ned is my token cis friend, and he's been here through all of this, so he's been really helpful." I smiled softly, realizing how much I already missed them.

"So you have a good relationship with them? Do you feel like you could talk to them if you needed anything?"

"Gosh, you sound like a therapist," I joked, forgetting that Strange wasn't exactly one for jokes.

"This is just routine, Peter," he replied flatly, eyeing me.

"Right, right..."  I cleared my throat, continuing. "Yeah, yeah, definitely. I mean, I haven't told Ned that I'm, like, a superhero or whatever, but he's not really... not that I can't trust him, I'm just... not ready."

"Just like you're not ready to tell Tony that you're trans," he said, calculatingly.

"Exactly! Right, just like that..." I replied.

Strange nodded, setting his clipboard down and turning to look at a screen on the computer next to him.

"What's your t dose?"

"40 milligrams once a week. By injection."

*tw starts*

He looked up at me when I said that. "Well that explains things."

"Huh?" I asked, my stomach churning slightly at his tone. "What does that mean?"

"I mean I ran your blood, and your t levels are crazy low. As in, the testosterone isn't doing anything."

"Oh god, oh god, I knew it. This is bad, right? This explains why- oh my god," I groaned, once again grabbing my left shoulder with my right hand as I curled my legs into my chest.

"Let me guess, your monthly thing came back, yeah?" Strange asked quietly, and I could only nod in response. "It's alright, Peter. We'll just give you a higher dose. Things should sort themselves out soon, and you'll be good as new."

WEB OF LIES [TRANS PETER PARKER]Where stories live. Discover now