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Chapter Seven

Peter's POV

"Alright, so there's leftovers in the fridge for dinner and emergency numbers by the TV. Ned can come over, if you want, and I'll be home-"

"-Sunday by 3:00. Yes, I know, we've been over this at least five times," I groaned. "I'll be fine, May. You're gonna miss your train if you put off leaving any longer."

May pulled me into a tight hug. "I know, it's just... I worry." I thought I was going to have to peel her off of me myself, but she stepped backwards herself. "I love you, call me if anything happens!"

"I love you too, May. Have fun," I called after her as she left down the hall with a small suitcase behind her. She was going away for the weekend with a few friends, and me being her sole responsibility, it was hard for her to leave me by myself over night, let alone for two nights.

Of course, as soon as she left, I darted to my room and pulled the bundle of red and blue from the hatch in my ceiling. All week I had been working tirelessly on a proper suit, or as proper as a fifteen year old kid could do with his aunt's mediocre sewing kit.

I stripped out of my clothes, leaving on only a binder and my boxers, and pulled on the suit. It was snug, but I knew that that would be a bonus when I was flying through the sky. I made sure that my new web shooters were ready to use, and shoved my phone into the pocket of the suit.

Once I had all my gear in check, I slid open my window and stepped out carefully, perched on the ledge as I shut it. Then, I strategically shot a web up high on the building across the alley and swung upwards onto the roof. I had tested the web fluid the other day, and I had to admit it made this whole gig a lot more fun.

Tonight wasn't just a joyride, it was more of a mission. I leapt and swung from building to building, keeping a mental map of the route to MJ's apartment. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do once I got there, but I was going anyway.

"Hey MJ, funny story, I got bit by a spider and now I can do-" I did a triple backflip from one rooftop onto another, "-this! Surprise!" I said jokingly to myself. It was ridiculous, and I didn't intend on telling anyone. I finally came to her building, and I counted the windows until I found the one that must be hers, and then I sat down on a fire escape across from it and watched. The room was faintly lit, and from what I could see all of that light was being reflected from the screen of a laptop. I could see the outline of her curly hair, likely in her famous messy ponytail, but that was about it.

I don't know what I thought I was going to find, but something about the idea of her sitting alone in her room all evening made me want to keep her company.

Below me in the alley, I heard a commotion. A man's voice, yelling, the sound of shoving. The sun was barely peaking out from the skyline and I couldn't quite see down that far, so I abandoned MJ's window and swung down to where I could get an eye on the situation.

A man in a leather jacket was pinning a girl up against the brick wall. For a moment I thought I should simply duck away and let them do their thing and maybe read about it on the news in the morning, but part of me realized that I could do better than that. I watched as the girl squirmed under his grasp, letting out a cry.

Taking in a deep breath, I flung my wrist out, webbing spraying out as I leapt from my place and flew right over the top of the man's head

"Hey! What was that?" he cried out. He stepped backwards a little bit but kept his grip on the girl's waist as he looked around, trying to spot what had quite literally gone over his head.

I froze in my place in the shadows, unsure of what to do next. To my dismay, I watched as he shrugged it off and turned his attention back to her. She continued to struggle.

"Hey, you! Over here!" I shouted suddenly, jumping out from where I was hiding. My voice cracked and I quickly cleared my throat.

This time, he put all of his attention on me as he gave me a funny look. I could tell now that he was at least half a foot taller than me, and tattoos crept up his neck. I gulped. "Who are you, kid? Are those your pajamas? Get outta here, it's past your bedtime," he spat, slowly approaching me.

My instinct was the flee in the other directions, but I had a cooler idea in mind so I went for it. I flicked my wrist, sending a web his way, but in the same moment he lunged at me, causing the web to stick to the collar of his jacket. I sent him spiraling backwards, and then I scurried back into my own corner once more. He tumbled into a dumpster, tangled up in webbing which he frantically pulled at. Finally, he shrugged off his jacket entirely, freeing himself of the sticky situation.

"Oh shit," I said under my breath as I began to sprint in the opposite direction. I heard his heavy breathing as I turned the corner, running straight into a line of traffic.

A horn blasted as a car swerved around me, and headlights blinded me. I managed to make out the shape of a bus coming towards me, until at the last moment it too was deterred, this time rolling left towards the other direction of traffic.

Panicking, I leapt towards it, managing to cling onto the rear bumper as if I could stop it from going far. By some miracle, I did. The brakes squealed as I yanked it backwards, setting it straight in the now-empty lane. On one side, my ribs began to ache, but it was no match for the adrenaline I felt in that moment. Looking around me as I let go, I saw all of the cars beginning to stop and people gathering on the sidewalk. They all gaped at me, and suddenly I was more thankful than ever for this mask.

Checking again to make sure that nobody appeared to be hurt, I remembered the man I had been running from. I spotted a lightpost by the side of the road and shot out a web, latching onto it and flinging myself onto a balcony above. I scanned the area and quickly spotted the glint of a leather jacket, retreating back into the alley I had run from. Careful to avoid the street this time, I easily found my way back.

The man was pursuing his actions from before, and this time I was more careful to aim as I spun him around and around with my webbing. He grunted, laying on the pavement now, and repeated his words from before. "Who are you, you freak?"

Though he couldn't see it, I was grinning beneath the mask. "I'm Spider-Man."



honestly this chapter sucks but it's gotta be here idk sorry it's dumb but here's a teaser: ya boy tstark is coming up soon

also i finallyyyy saw ragnarok it was So Good but i actually cried at the bannerxromanoff part
aaaaand once again i'm gay for loki lmao

ok bye now

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