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ALEJANDRO SLAMS THE WINDOW DOWNWARDS before he slumps to the floor hyperventilating. His pulse has been accelerated by a factor of seven. The magnitude of the nausea barely stands against the whole effusive lot of emotional energy he expelled twenty seconds ago.

What the hell just happened? This question reverberates in and through his skull. Today isn't definitely his lucky day when a minute headache starts to creep in.

Okay okay. Take a deep breath.

He inhales deeply.

Let it all out.

Out goes the vile carbon dioxide.

Repeat this several times.

He submits himself to lapdoggery before his subconscious till he is sure his body, soul and mind are calm enough to function. He feels like he's run against Ussain Bolt in the Olympics without breathing, clothes or eyes - not that that makes any sense at all but that's exactly how he feels; out of breath, cold and insecure, and his sight hazy.

Grayson kissed him. He allowed him. They had a blazing make-out session. They frotted. They almost had sex. He. . .

Alejandro enjoyed it.

No word can precisely betell his emotions at that moment. Is it anger, embarrassment, lust, desire, regret? Is it none or all of the aforementioned? But as usual, he is Alejandro Bale and there can only be one dominant one.


"What impudence!" His feet kisses the bedstand, hard. "How dare he put his filthy hands on me?"


"The fuck it's Gra -" Alejandro twirls and almost faints at the sight of Nolan stepping into the room. "Grainssssss! Rice grains."

Nolan raises a skeptical brow. Alejandro is stiff as a mad man's erection while Nolan assesses the scattered sheets, the clothes on the floor and the ginger's shirtless figure. The latter takes the image of a young soldier getting assessed by his supervisor.

"Nutbag." Nolan scoffs and flops into Alejandro's couch and tunes to Spongebob Squarepants on the plasma TV.

It took every ounce of willpower in Alejandro to stop himself from doing something he will regret later. The fact remains that Grayson has a girlfriend and Alejandro so doesn't want to be caught up in any cliche highschool drama right now. His life has gone through enough and he's solely in Crescent High to start a new life and face his studies squarely.

Though one thing is for sure. Alejandro craved more, of Grayson Jackson. The spots the blonde touched on his skin - which is his entire body - sear like Alejandro has been thrown into a furnace. His lips palpitate from the caliber in which blood is pulsing through like it's going to burst any minute. The hickeys trasmit tingly, tremorgenic tumors through his body, reminding him he needs put on a shirt; Nolan alert, duh.

"Code blue!" Ambrose's lead-coated voice booms through the walls of Alejandro's room.

His room just happens to be a wall away from Alejandro's, thanks to their parents' contingency of the methods to enhance "good brotherly relationship". It is just hilarious because Alejandro tells his brother practically everything that happens in his life and they never fight. They are rarely at home so how will they know?

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