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....I know you love me, even when I lose my head....



The merry was over. Bottles and pizza boxes littered every nook and cranny of the lounge; the hotel let us party and Terror let us drink. I mean, he had to. We managed to win a silver, the greatest in the Crescent High's history.

My mind strayed far from the unconscious bodies, the alcoholic room, the blonde yelling in excitement at his mom on the phone, the ginger playing Shadow Fight 2 on his phone, and the brunet walking towards me.

His hand were folded on the balcony, fresh midnight air billowing the ornamental palm trees and his hair away from his face. The air smelled wet but rusty at the same time, casting my mind to a familiar mansion.

What is Alejandro doing right now?

"What are you doing?" I whipped my head to the left and for what felt like years, I finally noticed Montgomery.

My limbs went stiff, my hairs went taut and my blood ran cold. Last night with Montgomery had been haunting my being ever since. I felt like anything my eyes set themselves on, they morphed into a feature of his body. Be it his hair, his abs, the nape of his neck, his manhood. I could picture the latter going deep into my throat, plunging my ass. The thoughts grovelled down my dermis, bled my nose, galled my gullet. . .caused our silver instead of gold. I couldn't care less about the latter though. Art is my life, gridiron is just an accessory.

I visibly stiffened when his elbow brushed my arm. I shifted a teeny inch to the other side. He noticed and mimicked me. This cycle went for about seventy-seven years till I had enough.

"This is gonna be the last time we ever talk."

Montgomery didn't flinch, he still kept his confident posture and poker face. The breeze seemed to increase with the tension between us-well maybe not around us but me alone. The brunet finally faced me with a look that made my knees drop down weak.

"Why?" His voice seemed like a siren's, it casted my mind back to a certain person.

How is Alejandro doing?

I inhaled deeply. "I'm so sorry. I feel like I've taken advantage of you because I was the one who made the first move. I just felt so frustrated then and I wanted to take it out on anything-"

"Shhh." His hush was angelic. . .

Is Alejandro sleeping at the moment?

Montgomery placed his muscular fingers that had once fingered my insides-I shivered off my hairs-on my lips and craned his neck over towards my face.

Everything happened in slow motion. I saw everything in fast motion. I saw titian curls instead of tawny locks, I caught salmon irises instead of sapphire ones, I noticed drab skin instead of doughy skin, I saw Alejandro Bale instead of Montgomery Monday.

My resistance was almost immediate. My palms formed a force field on his chest that repelled him.

"No, no, no." I pushed him slightly off me. His face looked mangled, like a wild animal snagged and nagged and hagged at it. My heart dropped to the bottom of my rectum and out of my anus.

I shouldn't be feeling this, I'm Grayson Jackson, lord of fucklords, king of fuckkings, unfuckeable fucker of fuckboys and fuckgirls. But that all ended when Alejandro came to my life, ripping all the aforementioned trophies hanging off the wall and incinerating them with flames of these unknown, unwanted, unwarranted feelings, burning me softly.

"And we can't be friends anymore, Montgomery."

The bombshell was silent but scathing. Now, I started to wonder what drew me to him in the first place. There was only one word to qualify that thing; nothing.


And that was it. He left without saying a single word.

Almost immediately, I walked in fast paces towards Tony, the front flash lighting and snapchat dalmatian dog's tongue echoing out of the iPhone.

"I need your phone." I didn't ask, I commanded, and I picked it out of his hands.

"Hey." He whined, I ignored him.

I typed his number on the dialpad, the key sounds bounced off the four walls of the toilet. I stared, my hands hovering over the green dial button. I unconsciously rolled the jade beads on the tips of my fingers.

My mind replayed what he said before I left. I'm sure he didn't mean that, it's just a product of his pride, his immaturity. He likes me, I don't. It's that simple, he can go to hell for all I care. He can't expect me to bend over to submission. He has everything, I have nothing. I'm not going to be another addition to his everything.

But what is this familiar nagging feeling ? The last time I felt something like this, I bled. I don't want bleed. So no, no more nagging feelings. No more tingly feelings, no more feelings of bad things about to happen. I'm never going to acknowledge shit.

I exited the window and returned the phone to its owner.

Alejandro isn't in trouble and I'm so not in love.


Haha, you think I was gonna continue from the last chapter? This irrelevant chapter was just to rile y'all up. *-* I'm too evil to relieve you of such precious tension. 👹 It's gonna continue next chapter tho.

Yay, FOUR chapters left

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