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...sooooo I'm really sorry for changing the POV, tense and entire writing style and all. This was where I stopped with the second draft but reviewing will be too hard and it's perfect from here henceforth.



You know those moments when you dramatically step out of the mall in bold strides like a supermodel after going on an intense shopping spree, holding numerous bags , sunglasses on your face, your hands holding your phone up to your ear, you whip your hair out of your face while Demi Lovato's Confidence plays in the background?

Yep. It was currently happening right now. Except that I almost tripped on a little heap of snow. With Tatum present.

Talk about humiliation of the highest order.

"I'm fine." I awkwardly stuttered while trying to compose myself. Tatum didn't even bother to hide his expression as he cackled blatantly.

"Y-you should have seen your face." He wiped a tear.

"Yeah yeah, suck it up." I sulked and stomped off.

Karma didn't turn out to be a total bitch because he later skidded on the slippery asphalt and I didn't hesitate to guffaw on his face like a freaking bastard.

"Are you hungry?" He suddenly said out of the blue breaking me from my thoughts. I noticed we were in a McDonald's drive-in.

I shook my head timidly, hoping he hadn't heard my belly growling like an hippo delivering babies- I've not seen one though. . .

"Well, I am." He looked at the albino waitress- with more cleavage than necessary- eyeing the both of us expectantly and flirtatiously. It's not her fault anyways. It's not everyday you find two teenagers in a freaking Ferrari. "Five hamburgers, two French fries and Mountain Dews."

I was still humming Sia's Candy Cane Lane when my ears picked up his order. My eyes widened in disbelief and I choked on my spit. "What?!"

"What what?" He raised a brow at me as he retrieved his meal(s). "Keep the change." He revved the engine and drove off.

"You're gonna eat all that?" I gestured at all he bought.

"Yes because I'm a glutton with a black hole for a stomach, of course not! It's for the both of us."


"Thank you but no, I can't accept this. You've done a lot for me today and I don't still know how to repay you."

"You're taking this if you like it or not. Dude, your belly is a savage."

My willpower eventually broke. Well, my body broke it because we've been shopping since 12 with an empty stomach and it was now going to 6 in the evening.

I lightly blushed. "Thank you."

"And besides, I owe you for brightening my day that should be miserably spent binge-video-gaming with my stupid twin brother."

To be honest, Tatum was intimidating as hell. It couldn't be helped that I'd never felt so inferior in my whole life.

His sudden cheeriness soon waded the condescending air between us till we didn't know when we've devoured all the burgers and fries, leaving only a burger. Rock-paper-scissors chose me to eat the last one but seeing Tatum's indignant pout caused me to break it into two pieces.

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