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TODAY IS THE DAY; NOLAN is going to know and Alejandro has a million reasons why he decides to take this drastic decision. After the unfolding of that unfateful drama in the cafeteria, word got got to him and Nolan had attacked Alejandro with a barrage of suspicious questions he was not ready to reply. Nolan has always been an obstinate pain-in-the-ass though so Alejandro cleverly dodged his queries with pathetic excuses and now the ginger's conscience is killing him. It seems unfair to him that he has to closet his rainbow silhouette in Nolan's presence and even more unfair that Kara knows.

So here he is, clothed in only baggy Deadpool trunks, staring down at the shiny, aquamarine water on a cool, partially sunny autumn Saturday.

Nolan and he are going to hang out in his outdoor pool today because Ambrose and his new girlfriend; Bailey are busy underwater-boning their souls out of this world in the indoor one. The thought alone makes Alejandro shiver. He's always been a little heterophobic.

A long while passes and Alejandro is already fed up of soaking and taking endless selfies — his iPhone is waterproof — in the pool. Nolan walks in just in time to avoid Alejandro's gaskets from blasting like NASA's rockets. He has a huge grin on his face and it takes everything in Alejandro to reflect Nolan's gesture. He must go through all this while making a good first impression and not being a bitch. Alejandro isn't sure if that's even possible.

"Well someone is happy to be here today."

"Well I'm happy to be spending some quality time with my bestest best friend!" Nolan retorts, still wearing the simper that exhibits his frontal diastema that looks like a cute mouse den. To say Alejandro is bewildered will be a guge understatement. Nolan rarely — scratch that — never smiles — except to tease Alejandro's sanity into oblivion — and now he is calling him his bestest friend?

"Kara has been growing on you lately, I can see." Alejandro says, still overwhelmed by the happy vibes radiating off his friend. He retreats further into the water like a shy merboy.

"Tell me about it. Today, I actually kissed my mom and dad. They were like, 'Casper dear, is there something wrong? Should we go see the doctor? Are you on your man period'. Do men even have periods?"

Its almost funny, nothing funny ever comes out Nolan's homophobic mouth. Alejandro laughs notwithstanding.

Good impression, good impression, bitch cancelled.

"Whose fault is it that you're a snobbish, always moody asshole?" Alejandro puffs, in between plastic laughing fits.


Nolan is twirling his Speedo swimming goggles around his right wrist and the other hand rested on his hips. His well-defined abs make Alejandro wonder whether he is the only ab-less guy in the world. Nolan's floral, pink trunks hangs dangerously low, revealing little of the pubic stubble creeping up to his bellybutton. Alejandro tears his eyes quickly from him to avoid any unwanted awkwardness. This dude he is eye-frotting is and will always be as straight as the pole Cardi B used to dance on.

"But thanks to you," he continues. "I met Kara."


"Since you guys entered my life, it has started to glow and I've been smiling often. You're like my first friends ever in high school and when I'm with you guys, I feel like I can trust you with anything, especially you, Alejandro."

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