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                             think that I am a little baby, you think that I am fragile like a fabergé....



"Oh my gosh! This suit, it's beautiful. You must wear this." Kara flailed the twenty-thousand-dollar classic Michael Kors around like it was a ragdoll she admired and placed it on my shirtless figure as I capsized my closet-which is bigger than Narnia I may add, too big for a guy.

"Meh, too basic." Nolan voiced, browsing the refrigerator from the corner of the room. Don't be so surprised I have my private refrigerator, it's for emergency purposes and to sneak in 'diabetic' food. "Oh my god, are these treacle tarts?"

"Yep. With saccharine."

"Soil your outfit and forget being my date today." Kara scolded at the top of her voice. "In fact, forever. I'll hate you forever."

Nolan kicked the refrigerator door close with his foot and pranced menacingly towards Kara who shrinks into her own skin. "You know you can't get over this D."

He pointed to his groin region and I almost gagged, in awe. He's like those characters from some fictional literature with some freakish character development. When we first met, he was this solitude-loving, wattpad-loving, world-hating, gay-hating dude ridden with toxic angst. Now it's just the entire opposite.

"You make me heterophobic." I snapped.

"At least we guys are humans."

Well, I guess some things never change.

Kara let out a big sigh as she drew the silver comb teeth harshly down my hair. "How many times do I have to tell you to lay off and let Allie's gay breathe peacefully."

"And to let him have a jump on me when I ain't looking? Ain't possible, Frank Sivan."

I scoffed. "I rather fuck a goat."

"You see?" My eyes went wide. "That's exactly what I'm talking about. Filthy faggots."

It's best I just ignore his ass. Like a boerbol barking at empty air in the backyard, like irrelevant, annoying Snapchat streaks.

"Eep, Kara what the fucking fuck! You're gonna tear my scalp out."

Kara smiled apologetically and patted my shoulder. "Sorry, hun. These curls though."

"I didn't even ask for your help." No I didn't. I love my hair the way it is and she thinks it should be straight for a formal occasion. This is just another garbage highschool prom night. And we aren't even in senior year yet so I barely even have any intention of going.

"They just seem to annoy the fuck out of me." She shivers.

"Nope. You just want to make it special since it's Grayson's last prom in our school." I pointed out with a sneer on my face.

She places her hand on her chest dramatically. "Oh my gosh, I would never."

"Yeah yeah bitch. Gel it real quick. The strands are coiling again."

The burning feeling of the gel on my scalp and straightener on my neck was upsetting but I know Kara isn't the type to let go so I stood still through the whole torment. By the time she was through, my hair was slick to the core and kinda made my head look round like a tangerine. Except for Freya's business meeting where I had to look as formal as possible, I am not used to this type of style.

"How come you knew about Grayson leaving our school?" Kara asked as I locked the front main door of the house.

"Duh, we leave under the same roof." Kara raised a really eyebrow, making me sigh in defeat. "I heard it from Damien."

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