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After school me and my sisters all went home" I found my mate it's the new teacher the one Carlisle wants us to watch over so they know she's safe" I say" that's nice" Kate says" Yes but she is human" Irena says" actually she's a Phoenix her eyes are originally fiery red. She is also part witch Carlisle told me" Tanya says" isn't it still dangerous with the volturi" Irena says" I don't think it is I was walking by her classroom after 6th period and I heard her talking on the phone. She kept saying aro then something about Edward." Kate says" could be someone else" Irena says" how many aro volturi do you know. She actually said the last name" Kate says" oh Ya then we are good except for Edward he is coming with the Cullen's in two weeks right" Irena asks" might I don't know Carlisle will call when he knows so we can tell Isabella" I say just then my phone rings.

(Phone call)

T- hello Carlisle what can I do for you

C- I was calling to see how Bella is doing

T- good she started working today some parents aren't so happy about her being 18 but after I told them that her students haven't gotten a (d or f) in her classes in forks high school they decided to give her a chance

C- Ya it happened at forks high school but she was given a chance and now the student's and parents miss her she was one of the favorite teachers Alice,jasper and rose had her they liked the free time they were given.

T- She says it limits the student's stress levels she gave all her students an outlook on how class will be for most of the year.

C- did the same here also sent out an email of it to the parents and asked them if they wanted there child to work doring free time and why they have it.

T- that's probably why most parents aren't opposed to her teaching their child anymore

C- possibly didn't you say that there was an open house in four weeks

T-Ya I wonder if her students grades will. Rise a little before then most of her students are failing

C- most likely they will. Anything new in your life.

T- found my mate today

C- Oh that's great who

T- Bella

C- that's wonderful I wonder if she has more mates aro just found out that if you believe in Polly relationships it's possible to have more then one mate. Apparently Jane and Alec found their mate and she believes in Polly relationships their Are others also.

T- so Bella believes in Polly relationships

C- Yes after she told Edward she was gay and believed in Polly relationships he said both are unnatural and she said love is love no matter if it's a strait or gay couple and no matter how many are in the relationship as long as there happy it doesn't matter after that he started to control her.

T- why did she say yes to his proposal

C- She said no about 30 times then we all went hunting and Alice had a vision of him threatening her if she said no so she said yes. Alice looked deeper and found out that he was going to force her to destroy the volturi we told them and they told us not to say anything to her something about the last time someone threatened to use her to destroy them she burnt their house with them in it. And two of them were innocent she tried saving them but couldn't the only one that survived was also a Phoenix and witch and was turned to a vampire. Nothing changed except their skin was cold and hard. No matter the diet their eyes stayed fiery red with gold or a really dark orange specs in them she killed that person with a combination dismembered then burned then used a spell

T- wow

C- ya she is basically fire proof actually she made us fire proof all we needed to do was have a drop of her blood she was pretty smart she mixed it with the animal blood we keep in the house. She wanted to do it to the volturi but the kings said no. The only way you can fully kill us is if you kill Bella or did the combination Bella did to kill the other Phoenix. I have a feeling Bella made the volturi fire proof anyway

T- Have you talked to aro

C- Ya the volturi changed,some drink criminals or really sick people or blood bags, some drink animal blood, some combined the diets and drink both the king drink both they found that if you drink both you feel a lot more stronger then being on just one diet. They also changed a couple of laws and allows the guard to live outside of the castle or Italy.

T- that's nice so is he still power hungry

C- nope he actually offered all of us except Edward to work for them we can still live together and not be in the castle and chose our diet. We are trying the combine diet and its a lot easier and the contacts last longer

T- maybe we should try that diet I think I will talk to the others

C-good idea I like it Edward hates us because of it but we don't care Alice found gold contacts so we don't draw any unwanted attention because of the sudden eye color change though most of the others just say that they loved the idea of a weird eye color so the found contacts that would turn there eyes gold

T- I think it's smart

C- so do I. I gotta go I hope you and Bella are happy let me know if she has more then one mate

T- OK bye Carlisle I will let you know don't forget to let us know if Edward is coming with you.

C- I won't Edward is actually really angry right now because he thinks Bella died.

T- OK bye

(End of Phone call)

After I hang up elizer and carmon walks in. Aro called and asked if they could go to italy." Well aro offered us to work for them but keep our lives as they are now and choose our diet" elizer says" I know I just talked to Carlisle the Cullen's accepted it and changed their diet to what the kings . Diet is they said it's a lot easier" I say" what do you think should we accept the offer" carmon asks" if every one agrees then yes also I think we should try the diet the Cullen's are on but again we all have to agree on it how about we think it over for three weeks then have a family meeting to decide the diet you can try and see if you like it" I say" I think we should try if the Cullen's like it then it's worth it" Kate says" OK I will get some blood bags from the hospital tomorrow After my shift" carmon says " OK well I got a lot of work to do the first marking period is over in 4 weeks" I say" Ya we have papers to grade" Kate and Irena says" I have patent files to finish going through" carmon says" and I have papers to file at the station call me if you need me" elizer says. Then we go our separate ways.


When I got home I started working on the PowerPoint for Monday's lesson once i was half way done I decided to go to sleep so I walked up to my bedroom and lay down. I can't believe I found my mate. But what gets to me is something aro said about me maybe having more then one mate I do feel like something is missing So that might be it. If it is then I will be happy any way. I believe love is love no matter if you are straight or gay and no matter if you believed in Polly relationships or not. No one should be judged by who or how many people you love as long as your happy then who cares. As I am laying down I think about what Edward is doing right now I hope planing on getting him self killed because I can't wait until aro decides it's time. I mean come on he threatened to kill me even though it's not possible but he doesn't know that. Hints the reason I faked my death if he thinks I died then I am free as long as he doesn't see or smell me I am good thank goodness Carlisle built in a safe room with a phone in it that only Tanya knows the number. If Edward comes with the rest of the Cullen's I will be stuck in that room for a couple of days. I so hope I don't have to hide in that room. I love teaching and I hate missing days it gives my student's the impression that they can goof of or skip work. Maybe everything will be OK I am probably just over thinking things I really have to stop that it makes me stress out over the possibility of what can go wrong and that doesn't help me in this situation.

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