Ch. 3

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I was so stress that I felt my powers start to get out of control so I went into my training room to let off some steam. As I was in the training room my door bell rang so I went to answer it. When I open it I see Tanya standing there with her work bag. " hey come on in" I say moving away from her so I don't burn her" sorry to bother you my house was starting to stress me out because of all the noise so I came here because Carlisle said you like it quite every night " Tanya says" it's fine you can work here I will be in my training room trying to calm down since I love to stress my self out" I say walking into my training room and turning on the sound proof walls. Once I was calmed down I walked back to Tanya" sorry about that" I say sitting across from her" it's OK but why is your hair and skin still fiery red" Tanya asks"Oh it will calm down in a couple of seconds. Edward always drove to the point were I couldn't control any of my powers so I am used to this" I say." Oh OK I can actually see it going down right know" Tanya says" Ya it is oh and if you want I can put my contacts in my eyes can be terrifying at first because it looks like flames" I say" actually I am fine it doesn't really bother me at all" Tanya says. And after that we just sat there doing work until I got a phone call.

(Phone call)

B- hello Isabella speaking

R- Hey Bella listen what I am about to tell you Will most likely make you mad

B- mom what is it

R- Edward showed up and threatened to kill me if I don't tell him were you are I told him the truth that I have no idea


R- Bella calm down I doubt you want to set the house on fire

B- don't tell me to calm down I will burn his ass if he threatens my family again

R- I know family is everything to you after the accident but right now I am staying with your aunt and uncle so I am safe

B- mom we promised not to mention the accident ever again

R- I know but you have to stop moping around its been three years since the accident Elizabeth would want us to be happy

B- mom I said stop talking about the accident

R- we all lost Elizabeth. Bella not just you

B- Ya we all lost Elizabeth my 2 year old daughter because I couldn't protect her. Mom I spent all my savings trying to get pregnant and when I did I ended letting a stupid angry vampire kill her and take away my chances of having children again away. From me. I watched her die then got attacked and pushed into a sharp branch that took my chances of getting pregnant again away so stop talking about the accident I burnt him and vowed that no one would threaten my family again.

R- OK one it's not my fault and two seriously calm down

B- not your fault you do remember the only reason he was angry was because you accidentally burnt his house down killing his mate and he was after you not me

R- OK so I may be the reason but we got passed that

B- Yes we did with the promise to never speak of it again I will find a way to deal with Edward just don't let uncle Greg convince you to hold onto his charm again You know he put all his power in the charm

R- I won't. I gotta go your cousin just transformed into her Phoenix today

B- ah the transformation and first experiencing your powers is truly amazing tell Christy I said congratulations bye mom

R- you miss being able to transform into an actual Phoenix don't you

B- Yes OK we only do it for three weeks so we get used to our powers before we stop the only ones that keep phasing are our protectors which mine and Elizabeth's died in the accident.

R- OK I know bye talk to you later

B- Ya bye

(End of Phone call)

After the phone call I saw Tanya sitting next to me being careful not to touch me" Tanya when I am like this you can touch me I can't burn you it's it's in our blood that we can't actually burn our mates you just can't touch me when I lose control and well I am in perfect control " I say calming down" good to know." Tanya says And kisses me and I kiss back. When we broke apart we decided to get back to work. After about two hours my phone rings and I see its Carlisle.

(Phone call)

B- Carlisle you know you aren't supposed to call me directly

C- I know Bella but Edward knows you are there he just doesn't know we're you live

B- OK Carlisle your on speaker Tanya is here

T- Hey Carlisle

C- I need both of you to go into the safe room now

B- Ok have you called aro

C- Yes we are all on our way

T- OK shouldn't I help

C- no you are the principal of the school. He will go after you first



(End of Phone call)

After that we got our stuff and went to the safe room. When we get in their I lock it up and put a wall of fire in front of the door. "Fridge to the left has blood in it this is the main room there's is a bedroom right here and a bathroom next to it I will be in the bedroom if you need me" I say while I walk to the bedroom. Once I get into the bedroom I laid down on the bed and logged into my laptop and hooked it up to all the screens and turned on all the cameras. As I was working Tanya knocked on the door. "Come in" I say getting back to work" Hey don't you need to eat" Tanya asks" no I can go a week without food I only eat everyday so I don't blow my cover." I say" oh OK I was also wondering what happened with the kid you gave detention to"Tanya says" he was calling two other students names like dyke and frozen and I don't allow any hurtful terms being said in my classroom no bullying what so ever why do you ask" I say" his parents emailed me saying that their child told them he got detention for nothing they just want to know if it's true or not."Tanya says" I sent them an email explaining it I always Do because I got in trouble for giving a student a detention For bullying so I e-mail there parents now" I say" OK I will let them know" Tanya says And walks out and I check my email. After that I got up and went to get something to drink when I walked into the main room I see Tanya sitting on the floor working with a small lamp" Tanya go use the desk in the bedroom there's a bigger lamp and a lot bigger. Space to work at I am just getting everything prepared just in case I miss school This week and most of it is already done" I say as I go and get my protein drink and head back to the bedroom to find Tanya working at the desk. I grab my laptop and sit on the bed to finish up my work. When I am finished I get ready for bed. I hope I don't miss any school.

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