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Bella's pov.

I was talking to my mates while. Elizabeth was doing something for school when i relalized what time it is " time for bed Elizabeth" i say " a little longer i am studying for a Romeo and Juliet quiz that i have tomorrow" Elizabeth says" no hand me your school things and go get ready for bed you can study tomorrow before the test " i say. "But i have to be ready can't i stay awake for 10 more minutes" Elizabeth says" no bed time means your ready and in bed at the specific time know hand me you're school stuff and get your but in bed now" i say" fine " Elizabeth says handing me her school stuff" oh and no sneaking into my office and getting your school stuff to study am i understood" i say " yes mom " Elizabeth says going to bed and i put her school stuff in my office before going to tuck her in"  goodnight Elizabeth love you" i say " night mommy love you to " Elizabeth says and i go back to the living room to see the kings and the cullens back. " hey guys give me a sec" i say conecting my laptop to the tv and turn the camra in Elizabeth's room on " sorry Elizabeth likes to sneak out of bed after i tuck ger in" i say. " what does she do play with her toys" esme asks " i wish she will stay up all night studying like she did last night so after work while she was studying i put a camera in her room and i take her school stuff" i say " what grade is she in she seems a little young to start school" aro says" she's like me an over achiever only she's alot worse and way to smart and dedicated to her study's it worres me some time and she's in 10th grade" i say " that's impressive " Carlisle says" it runs in my family. Most of use are really good at hiding it Elizabeth isn't all she wants to do is study" i say" at least you have ys to help you" Tanya says" yes i will definitely need your guys help. With Elizabeth" i say just s i hear a scream comeing from Elizabeth's room and i look uo at the camera to see someone in her and Elizabeth runing up to Irena while everyone else went to Elizabeth's to deal with the trespasser" Irena take her to your place she's not going to let you go for the rest of the night " i say as i go and help the other's when i get there i see masen " what the hell do you think you are doing here" i say " i have the right to see my daughter" masen says" one you are supposed to be in the dungeon at the castle and being prepared for your exacusion and two i had the concle do an old spell so Elizabeth isn't your child anymore she's going through the transformation as we speak" i say " you actually thought that would keep me i an way more powerful then you and will always be " masen says maybe when there's no lock down you have no powers at all i say getting out my phone and calling my guards to take him back to the castle" by tomorrow morning you will be you just made your death even more powerful masen you are such an idiot you actually think you could break into my house without informing me and anyway how the hell did you now about Elizabeth" i ask " the whites told me i was hoping to get to her before she found you and then use her against you" masen says"  you actually think that Elizabeth would help you destroy " i say " of course she was separated from you at a young age her memories would start to fade " masen says getting away from everyone abd starts to attack me and i hold him back as much as i could abd got badly injured but kept going until my guards got here and graped him" i will call the Royal doctor right away queen Isabella "Jason one of my guards say " no need go get him back to the castle and his danger level is now at a level 20. You know what that means" i say " yes my queen but i insist i get the Royal doctor you are bleeding heavily" Jason says" i am perfectly fine do your job and if you feel better you may come and check on me before going back to your family. Also don't forget about your proctector test" i say " yes my queen but i love being just your guard" Jason says" if you pass you may still keep your job until you find your charge but it's time to move on and let your brother and sister start there training under Katherine they can't do that until you become a certified protector now go" i say " yes my queen " Jason says and leaves with masen just as kate and Tanya helps me the bed and i start stopping the bleeding so that i can let my magic heal me completely " i am fine my magic will start to heal me enough so i can heal naturally " i say" your not working tomorrow " Tanya says. "I will be ok as long as i don't move to much i already have a back up lesson plan just in case they will take notes and then. Start the reading " i say" fine but i am sitting in on your class and you will not be getting up from your desk and i will drive you to the school until you are fully heald " Tanya says as kate laughs" just be lucky you sent Irena to our house or you wouldn't be moveing from that bed at all" kate says and everyone laughs" Elizabeth won't be leaving irena's side for two days she will have her hands full and i will be fully healed by then" i say " ok well we must get back to italy i will call you guys when we need you and don't worry your family will only be called to help with missions that are near by. Carlisle you and your coven are needed in fork Washington for two more years Charlie just called there are vampires in Seattle he also wants you to change him " aro says" of course he does his job is everything to him he will not leave until the situation is delt with forks is his home town and will protect everyone there please tell my father to stay safe when youget back to forks for me " i say" of course bella we will be heading out now" esme says and they all leave while kate gose home to spend some time with Elitpzabeth and Tanya stays with me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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