Water (H2OVanoss)

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Self harm

I lay awake in my bed, my head rushing with thoughts of him

It's 10 past 2, still up thinking of you

If I showed you all I really want to

Would you stay, dare to push me away

I just can't return anymore

Tears spilled out of my eyes as I remembered him.

How much he meant to me. How much I Loved him.

But he was gone now. He doesn't see me how I see him.

Timid heart, hide my scars

Make me stronger

I looked down at my arms that were littered in faded scars.

He caused me so much pain. Too much pain.

He doesn't even notice me. I need to put a stop to this.

can't take this any longer

I need, I need you like water

It's on the tip of my tongue

I'm not asking for much

Just your love and not another

Cause your embrace keeps me warmer

Could I tell you this time

How I wish you were mine

'I would march over to his house and tell him' I thought grabbing my blue hoodie.

I slipped it on and left my house and entered the cold dark night.

My head was filled with thoughts of him rejecting me or laughing at me.

Tears threaten to spill from my icy blue eyes.

My voice cracks, I wait for it to pass

Heart beats fast for words I can't take back

And so I pray I don't drive you away

Cause I'm scared of what I have to tell you

Timid heart, hide my scars

Make me stronger

I considered turning around and going back. I didn't need him to laugh.

But suddenly I was filled with courage. I had to tell him. I ran to his house, excited.

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