Not an Update But recommending Reading

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We're #7 in Ohmtoonz. 7 out of 273 stories. That just blew my mind. Wow.

Also, I'm sorry for not updating. I have the new one going on and I have one-shots for this half done. I just have to finish them. But it's winter break so that's two weeks that I can be writing. I'm thankful that people are still into this angsty gay shit. I love reading new comments and people still follow me for this. Thanks, guys. I really really do appreciate everything. I love all of you. All my smol children, even if I haven't adopted you yet. Just wait.

Again, thank y'all so much. Soon. Trust me, soon there will be new content. I just need to get my shit together and finish some one-shots. Love you. 

Sneak Peaks into future content (Each from a different one shot): 

Sneak Peaks into future content (Each from a different one shot): 

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Which ship you think is for each one is up to your imagination. Though, the second is kinda obvious. Anyways, thank all y'all for the support! And as always, I hope ye all enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Peace. 


Have some Canadians to make up for my sins

Have some Canadians to make up for my sins

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