Home (Terrorknuckel)

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Five years. Five years I've been killing men and women for my government. Five years and all I've heard is screams and explosions. Five years I've seen nothing but smoke and corpses. Forever sizzled into my brain. Five years I've been torn apart to put back together again with metal pieces. Five years I've been away from home....with not a single letter....call....gift. Now I'm finally back.

The bus bumps me out of my thoughts as it pulls in front of a small suburban home. I haven't seen it in so long. I let out a sigh relief as I gather my bag to get off. People stare at me as I pass them, my robotic eye glaring at them till they advert their eyes.

"Welcome home, soldier." The bus driver says softly, a smile on his old withering face. I smile back and step out into the sun.

The bus pulls away leaving me across the street just staring at my home. Small, painted a light shade of blue. A clean white picket fence circling the yard and a small vegetable garden. I smile, glad that he kept up with his delicious tomatoes. With a sigh I start across the street, adjusting my leather jacket. Floods of memories come back as soon as I step into the yard.

"Do you have to go?" His voice was soft but scared.

I look back from the yard to the doorway, giving him a reassuring smile. His face doesn't change from his worried expression. Deployment day. We're standing outside the door, waiting for the bus to come and get me. To come take me to war. My husband has been begging me all day to stay. To not go serve our nation. But I made my decision. Neither of us are too happy about it. Especially not Brock. I sigh and pull him into a warm embrace, one he gladly accepts. I hold him as tight as I can, muffling his sobs into my broad chest.

"You know I have to go, Brock...." I say, running a hand through his brown hair. He looks up at me with watery eyes.

"Promise me you'll be back. Promise me, Brian, that I'll see you again." He says as I wipe away his tears with my thumbs.

I don't answer him right away and just smile down at his soft face. I'm trying to memorize it because I don't know when I'll see him again. Or if I'll ever see him again. If I die, I want him to be the last thing I remember.

"Brian?" His soft voice brings me back.

"You'll see me again, Brock," I respond, resting a hand on his cheek softly. Even if its false hope because I dont know what will happen to me.

I hear the bus honk from behind us, both of our heads turning to look at it. I sigh again, turning back to Brock.

"We'll be together again. Just don't forget me." I grin a little, Brock giving a small laugh.

He reaches up and pulls me down into a kiss, kissing me like this is the last time he'll get to. I smile, lifting him up a bit and kissing him back with equal emotion. The bus honks again and I pull away. I set him down and grab my bag.

"I love you," I say, hugging him again.

"I love you too."

"B-Brian...." I snap back into reality as a soft angelic voice fills my ears.

On the porch stands the love of my life. He's a bit older now, but just as beautiful as last time I saw him. Seeing him again makes my head spin. Suddenly I feel like I'm in a dream. It's almost nostalgic. I drop my bag by my feet, just staring at him stare at me. His brown eyes are wielding up with tears as he bolts towards me, sobbing as he jumps into my arms.  I wrap my arms around him, lifting him so his legs are wrapped around my waist. 

He sobs into my shoulder, his arms constricting around my neck. I hold him just as tightly, my eyes squeezed shut as tear after tear escapes down my cheek an onto his hoodie. We stand in each other's embraces and cry in silence.

He pulls out of my shoulder and crashes his soft chapped lips against mine. He's kissing me so hard, I think my lips might bruise. I hold onto the back of his head with one hand, kissing him back just as longingly. I feel my heart swell, the little piece of it that was missing all these years finally filled. I cry even more as he finally pulls away for breath and hugs me again.

"I love you so much. I thought I lost you forever." He cries, his watery brown eyes boring into my own. 

His brow furrows as a soft hand carresses the metal part on my face. He must not have noticed when he first saw me. I sigh in shame, looking down. He's going to leave me now. The ugly half robot that is me now.

"I'm sorry, Brock....I know it looks terrible. I just got hurt a lot and they ruined my handsome face with this stupid metal." I try to joke, hiding the pain for the rejection that's about to come.

But I only hear a small laugh as he places a kiss on my cold metal cheek. His smile is contagious as he looks at me again.

"You're still handsome as ever, Brian. I'm just glad you made it back home to me." He hugs me again and I let out a soft sigh of relief.

"Well I promised you didn't I?" I pick up my bag and carry Brock towards the house.

He giggles, "Yeah. Yeah you did. But I need you to make me a new promise." His voice goes stern as we step inside the door.

I close the door and he jumps out of my arms, giving me that hard eye look he gets when I do something stupid.

"What is it?" I ask, taking his soft hand in my callused one.

"Never leave me again. Ever." I just laugh lightly and pull him into another kiss.

"I wouldnt even dream of it, Brock."

*Cough* Look at me. Updating another one. Only a week or so after the last. Damn. For today I'm on top of the game. But it might only be for today. We'll seeeeeee. I picked this one I think from another suggestion? I think. I don't remember. But sure enough, there will be more one shots out based off those songs and prompts. Maybe I'll find some more prompts and do it again. We'll see, it was successful. It went well. Or if you have prompts you want me to do, send em over. You don't even have to give me a ship, ill find one that fits. Also, y'all like the new cover? It confused me a bit cause I forgot I changed it and I didnt recognize my own book. Anyways, as always I hope ye all enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter. Peace.


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