Monsters (Krii7y)

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"I see your monsters, I see your pain. Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away.
I'll be you're lighthouse, I'll make it okay.
When I see your monsters,
I'll stand there so brave and chase them all away."

His words echo through my head, his soft sweet voice filled with so much love and truth. His big brown eyes leaking big true tears burned into my brain pan. I can remember how sad yet determined he looked, assuring me that he'd always be there. That he would never leave me. How tight he held me against his sweet scented hoodie. How many tears soaked that hoodie and the shirt I was wearing. That was the first night I'd ever felt loved, like I had someone to depend on. I felt safe. Secure. Loved.

"He's just going to leave you, John."

"He knows he's too good for you."

"He'll get tired of your problems eventually. And he'll leave you."



"Cause you're a depressed piece of shit that is nothing but a burden."

I inhale sharply, tears picking my dull blue eyes as I run my ringed fingers through my blonde locks. They were all right. I've never given into them until now, cause I always refused to believe them. But....Jaren did leave. He did leave me, Cold. Lonely. He left because I was just a burden on him. Technical difficulty in his life program. An easy fix.

I take a hit from my vape, letting warm tears run down my pale cheeks. If it wasn't for the tears, I could pass for alright. With my straight face and the way I could make it seem alright even if it wasn't. I never shared my feelings until Jaren. And he just took them, cared for them and then killed them off.

Then left me to pick up the pieces alone. Worst part is, I can't piece them back together. I'm letting them run wild, hurt me and pull me into the darkness of the past. The bullying, the insults, the depression and anxiety. They all came crashing down on me after he left me. I opened the flood gate for him and now the water is too powerful to close them again.

I exhale the smoke, the cloud floating into the air as the chime of a text echoes through the room. I don't look away from the ceiling, feeling around my nightstand for my phone. I brush the case with my fingers and grab it, holding it above my face. The screen illuminates my blood shot, tired eyes and tear stained face as it shifts at the sight of the text.

Jaren❤: John, I know you're going through some stuff. I can see through that emotionless act of yours. I love you John. You and all your monsters. You can push me away and away but I will always be here for you. Baby please. Let me come home, let me be there for you. There is nothing I would do for you. I would give the world to you. You're the only one for me. I'm going to protect you, you just have to let me. I can't express how much I love you, John. Please. Let me in. I love you.

I finish the paragraph, tears streaming down my face. He never left me, I pushed him away. He didn't want to leave. I made him. I caused the one person who gave a shit to leave me. I hear sobs erupting from my throat, my fingers twisted into my hair. They tug and pull at them as I cry into my ripped jean knees.

"I need him back! I need him back!" I screech, sobbing into my knees.

Getting up is a blur. Running through the streets towards Brock's house, where Jaren has been staying is all a blur. Ramming through the door is a blur. I see his small form with Brock's taller figure run into the hall, stopping with gasps.

My tears still cloud my vision but I can see him cleary. Beautiful brown ryes, puffy and red from crying. Soft pale skin with soft puffy cheeks. His hair is messy as usual and he's drowning in an over sized hoodie. It's like I'm seeing him for the first time and I cry harder.

I fall to my knees, putting my face in my hands. I'm dreaming. Im still at home crying and wallowing in self pity. I never ran to Brock's house and broke his door. I'm at home. I'm-

"John, I missed you so much." A quiet musical voice sniffs in my ear. I realize he's wrapped his arms around my neck and shoulders, hugging me tight.

I wrap him up in a hug in return, crying into his shoulder. His warmth and smell is intoxicating, I'm drowning in it. I hold him tighter, running my hand through his brown hair.

"I'm so sorry, Jaren. I'm so so sorry." I choke out, causing him to pull away.

He wipes his eyes and smiles, staring into my eyes. He holds my face with his sleeve covered hands, wiping my tears away with his thumbs. I mean into his hand, eyes closed. I can just hear his whisper as he plants a kiss on my lips and pulls me into a hug again:

"I see your monsters, I see your pain. Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away.
I'll be you're lighthouse, I'll make it okay.
When I see your monsters,
I'll stand there so brave and chase them all away."


Kinda all over the place but I'm rusty. I got a Krii7y request by KrispyKrii7y thank you for the ship request. But I picked the song because I have some friends, InsomniaSafe & Ticci_Toxic are the cutest couple and they are like this song. I don't think in that the time I've known them, they haven't ever not gotten through things. They are so strong and in love and I wanted to dedicate something to them. I'm proud of them both, so proud. And as always, I hope ye all enjoyed and I will see you all in the next chapter.


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