Bodyguard (DaithiDeGaming)

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"Get up, fuck head!" One of my rather retarded constant personal abusers, Tyler, growls at me before kicking me in the face.

I cough up a little blood before pull my lanky body up to a sideways laying position only to be kicked again in the stomach. I fell again.

"Why do we even bother with him? He's weak, stupid, and ugly. But maybe that bit is because he's Irish." Another laughs, an insane laugh so I know it's Delirious.

"Well, fuck you too, bitch. Got a problem with the Irish?" The third asks, causing me to laugh. Tyler kicks me again. I shut my mouth.

Delirious laughs at my pain, "Only when they're tall, lanky, and retarded." He laughs and crouches down to my level, making me look at his masked face.

"Sounds like you right?"

I don't reply, just spit on his face getting his white mask dirty with blood. He laughs it off and punches me in the nose, making my vision blur as my head hits the tile ground of the school hallway.

"Hey! Get the fuck off him!" I hear a voice scream, a few blurry blobs turn around, one getting hit to the ground.

I count three new blobs fighting, one on one with each bully blob. My head is swarming and I hear the voices get distant. I don't see exactly what is happening as I pass out except seeing two red Converses in front of me.

~Time Skip brought to you by my first sponsor......🍍🍍🍍🍍~

"He's waking up! It's a fucking miracle"

"Don't talk so loud! His head probably still hurts. Do you want him to have brain damage or something?"

"Looks like he already does."

"Will you both shut up?"

I pry my eyes open, looking up at a blurry white ceiling. Adjusting my eyes, I look around at the clear room and the three figures standing around the bed I was in which is not mine.

"Who the fock are you guys?" I ask, sitting up slightly. The one right next to me smiles.

He's tan and buff with black spiked up hair and chocolate brown eyes. He wears a black t shirt, light blue ribbed jeans and red Converses. A red and white leather jacket sits in his lap. Damn he is good looking, my face goes slightly red.

"I'm Evan and those two idiots are my friends, Brock and Craig." He says, gesturing to the two people at the end of the bed. I turn to them mainly to hide my blush.

One has brown hair in a side shave with sunglasses resting on top. He has brown eyes, a friendly smile, and slight facial hair. He has on a tank top with a sunset pattern and dark blue jeans with checkered vans. Brock.

The other one is grinning at me with finger guns. He has dyed purple hair, though the sides are still a natural light brown, and bluish green eyes under a pair of black framed glasses. He wears a simple grey v neck with whiteish grey joggers. White vans cover his feet. Craig.

I look away from Brock and Craig and back to Evan, who seems to have been examining me while I examined his friends.

"Where are we and why did ye help me?" I ask, causing him to look back up at my face, his cheeks having been dusted with red.

"Oh uh this is my room in my house." He answers, getting up and setting his jacket down in his place.

He walks around the room trying to find an answer to my second question it seems. We all watch him.

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