Chapter 2

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"Welcome to the academy. This school is the main source of all Key Blade Masters and our history. We always bring in new students to add to our training and expand our protectors, but of course you know this. Right, (y/n)?" Yen Sid said as we came to a stop in front of his office. "Yes, Master Yen Sid." I answered smiling at him. "You can stop the act. I know you are very nervous about meeting all the other students. Besides, you're the shyest girl I've ever met." I have to admit, I am probably y the shyest girl you will ever meet. It took me two months to start talking to Mickey and the others.

"Well, you got me there." He smirked at me when I started laughing. "Well, (y/n), this is your schedule for your classes and the key to your dorm. You'll be rooming with a friend of Mickey." I thanked him and started looking for my room. Not doing so well on that.

"Are you lost?" I turned around and faced a blond boy with blue eyes. "U-um." I flustered around unsure what to do. "S-sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Roxas. And you are?" I bowed to Roxas and answered, "I'm (y/n). Um, I'm looking for room 206. Do you think you can show me where it is?" He looked shocked when I mentioned the room number. "Oh, you must be a new student. Come with me I'll show you where it I s. So where are you from?" "I'm from the kingdom. What about you?" "I'm from Twilight Town. You live with the King and Queen?" "Well, they adopted me, so yeah." We stopped in front of a door and he turned around to say, "Well, here is your room. Let me just say you might have a hard time with your roommate." I giggled and thanked him for the warning.

I opened the door and saw that no one was there. 'Maybe they're out right now.' I just left my stuff in my luggage because I wouldn't want to be rude and move things. I then saw that the room had white carpet floors, two twin size beds, two desks, and a white four piece drawer. The bathroom was on the other side of the room and there was a window to the outside. I notice a picture frame on one of the desk and gazed at it. There was a brown spiky haired boy, a red haired girl, and a silver haired boy in it.

Then there was the sound of the door opening. I turned around to see a silvered haired boy at the door. "Who are you?" the boy asks while looking at me. "U-um, I-I'm y-your n-new r-roommate, (y/n)." He stared at me but then realized that new students were to come into the academy. "Oh, right. Sorry, I'm not used to having roommates. I've always roomed alone. This is the first time I've gotten a roommate, especially a girl." "O-Oh, w-well I'm glad to be your first roommate!" I smiled at him and asked where I could put my things. "Well I could start moving my cloths to the bottom two drawers and you can have the top two. Also the empty desk over there is yours and the other bed is yours as well." "A-Alright, I'll go take a shower first." I headed towards the bathroom and before entering I glanced back at the boy to see that he was starting to take him things out of the drawers. "Um, I didn't get your name." He turned around and smiled at me saying, "My name is Riku."

Becoming a Key Blade Master (Riku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now