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    DN your dragons name.

    YN your name.

    FC favorite colour.

    FMC favorite metallic colour.

    YHC your hair colour.

    YEC your eye colour.

    YDEC your dragons eye colour.


you stand next to DN as you wach the sky, the sun was about to set. DN nuzzeled you and lifted you onto her back.

"DN what are you doing?" your dragon did not listen. it just flew to a cliff. it dropped you on the edge and sat a meter or two behind you, blocking your exit.

stubborn dragon. you thought huffing as you sat down, admiring how the sky looks great.


Hiccup walked down the street thinking to himself. suddenly, Toothless came out of nowhere and schreeched at him.

"thoothless what's wrong?" hiccup hoped on toothless as he flew off. Hiccup saw toothless was leading him to a cliff were YN and her dragon sat.

"no no no, toothless turn back!" but his dragon did not listen, he dropped hiccup beside YN and sat with DN who was blocking our way out.

stubborn dragons. hiccup thought as he sat beside YN on the side of the cliff.

third person view

hiccup akwardly sat beside YN. theysat together and watched the sunset.

"listen, u gotta go" said hiccup.

"bye" said YN

Hiccup got up a turned around only to meet toothless' "you-are-not-getting-out-of-it-that-easy" look. Hiccup sighed and sat back down.

"Yn, I have to tell you something" said hiccup, who got a hmm in response. "ilikeyousomuchwillyougooutwithme?". You raised an eyebrow at hiccup.

"what?" you asked

"YN I like you so much, will you go out with me?" hiccup said


"I know I'm awkward"


"and unattractive"


"I'm maybe to sensitive but-"



"I would love to be your girlfriend" then you kissed him. on the lips.

"wow" said hiccup


sorry its short.


thank you.

:-) :-D B-)



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