OH MY, LOKI'N'THOR HOLY HERA part two/ cut offs

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Your POV / third person (A/N: I am not good at POV things)

"...................................." you took a breath to answer.

"O-" you were cut of by a screeching sound and a boom. You turned around and found toothless and (d/n), your dragon, flying and screeching. You sighed and turned back to hiccup.

"O-" you were again cut off by snotlout, ruffnut and fishlegs as they burst one the room.

"Yyyyaaaaaaa-" they were cut off NY hiccup.

" she is going to ans-" to which he was then cut off by Stoik also hopping into the room. He was about to talk when hiccup said;

"(Y/n) was just asked to marry me, tuffnut came in and said we were engaged because he heard us shouting, we were shouting because (y/n) is pregnant okay? Okay. (A/N: you see what I did there? HHAHAHAHA *sobs* TFIOS WHY? okay I'm good) " the room was silent until, ruffnut yelled;

"WHAT THE F-" The rest of his sentence was cut off and joined by everyone else going ballistic. After five minutes of yelling you couldn't take it anymore.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP" they did " listen guys, I am pregnant with your chiefs CHILD, I have a HUGE migraine from you idiots yelling at each other like children, I was just asked the life changing question was I not? Were you?" No answer. "Answer me!" You heard a chorus of no ma'am's ringing among the boys-Seeing as Astrid did not show up, you liked that since you hated her, but put up with it for hiccup "Miss! I didn't answer yet....... yet............I only give hiccup juristiction in this subject because he ASKED the life changing question, but that does not give anyone-including him- o act like a madman. So on that note being the FREAKNG MADMAN that he is... YES" you finished slightly out of breath.

"yes?" Asked hiccup

"Yah" silence "I will marry you"

"Yes!" He punched his fist in the air. You laughed at his foolishness and glomped him. "What were those chandeliers?" You whispered in Hiccup's ear.


An update during the week....... wow......speechless

I love you.....

Bye bye my little watt cakes.........


Bye................ nothing wrong.

Sorry I should stop writing, before anyone begins to worry....

Who am I kidding no one cares.

I should erase all those things I wrote before, but I am to lazy..... like anyone cares.......

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