the library.

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today is Thursday, you are going to talk to hiccup about building a new library in Berk. since the old one was destroyed at the end of HTTYD 2 you decided it was time for another one, only bigger.

you knocked on hiccup's door and waited.

"(y/n) what are you doing here?" said Valdka, Hiccup's mother.

"I am here to speak with hiccup about village repairs" you and hiccup were best friends since double digits. when people would make fun of hiccup you would stand up for him or vice versa. then hiccup tamed toothless and saved Berk. He got Astrid, popularity and fame. Threw all the years he never noticed your crush on him. he left you in the dust in a blink of his eye. out were never excepted, only considered a loner or a freak. now you spent most of your days either reading or writing, trying to find a perfect dragon to ride but one never came along. You sucked it up, because you know some people are worse off than you. whenever you saw hiccup, with or without Astrid, you felt pain at your loss-but hiccup was happy. you never told him off about it because you want to see him happy, you love it. you love him. you knew one day the weight of your parents murder, dragon less ness, and hiccup-less-ness would crash down upon you and your heavily gaurded walls would fall.

today was not that day.

"come in, come in" said Valdka, making room fr you to enter. you stepped in. what people did not know was that you were secretly training. at night you would sneak out to the Forrest and train endlessly but as  your muscles you wore long sleeves so people would not notice. as your strength grew, so did your mind, after hours of reading you would watch dragon training and take notes hoping it would come in use one day.

"thank you" you replied and sat down at the desk/table.

"I will send hiccup in" Valdka smiled. you opened your notes to the blueprints just as hiccup walked in.

"hiccup, nice to see you again" you said and shoke his hand. first contact In years. you smiled.

"I am sorry do we know each other?" your heart broke a little right there and then. you kept the smile plastered on your face but you knew your eyes decieved you. if hiccup did not see it then Valdka did, she frowned and looked at hiccup.

"yes, we used to be best friends" you replied

"oh, right (a name close to yours) right?"

"(y/n) actually"

" so what is the reason for this visit?"

"so" you pitched him the idea, and every little detail that has to do with it.

"great idea we start Monday!" said hiccup

"wha-" you did no get anything else out but that before hiccup got up and left.

you sat there flabbergasted until

"i'll talk to him" spoken by Valdka

you got up and left as well thinking about the meeting and Hiccup's eyes.

Valdka's POV

what was wrong with that boy? could he not see the hurt in her eyes? he will get a good whipping.

" what is-" I said as I burst open his door-to find him paceing  with a worried look.

"mom cannot talk to busy worrying" said hiccup

"why are you worrying?"

" well mother, a girl whom I have a crush on, whom was my only friend before toothless, whom I left behind for popularity, was just at my house and I fudging forgot who she was!" hiccup almost yelled at me. I resisted the urge to punch my own son.

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