Dream-Boy (Harry)

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       He pressed his lips against my forehead as we cuddled in my queen-sized bed. We whispered sweet nothings into each others ears, giggling with each comment. I gazed into his emerald green eyes, flooding with passion and love and a strange agony. I halted our loving conversation to question him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"It just hurt knowing I can never be with you," He told me as he rubbed his forehead, abundant with creases.

"What do you mean?" I questioned further, my confusion evident. "We're together right now."

"You're dreaming. I'm dreaming. This isn't real."


        I woke up, my face wet with tears. He felt so real, so warm, so perfect. I turned over in my bed to check the time. It was 8:30. Shit, I thought knowing I'd be late to school. I struggled to hurry and get dressed. I was almost through buckling my belt when my bedroom door opened.

"It's Saturday, Casey." The dream-boy told me. "Why are you up so early?"

"You...you... You were in my dream." I stuttered, pinching myself to see if I was still asleep. No such luck.

"Well, that's flattering." He said bluntly. I let out a hysteric laugh, running my hands through my hair. Was I going crazy?

"Here's your breakfast." He said handing me a muffin. "Try not to scarf it down too fast. You'll get a stomach ache."

"Who are you?" I asked staring down at the muffin in my hand.

"I'm Harry, the dream-boy."


(okay you have no idea how bad I wanted to put I'm the muffin man)


        I woke up again, on the couch this time. I flinged the half-empty bowl of popcorn at the ground my hands trembling. I shuddered, trying to rid my body of the chills i had earned from the strange dream. I thought I was safe but when I peeked out my window, a dark figure was standing in the shadows. Harry. And this time his long fingers were holding a pistol. I see him breathe onto the window creating a fog. Then he used his finger tips to trace a note.

"This is just a dream." I read aloud.

Before I knew it, a bullet was piercing my heart.


       Sweating, I raised my head up from the pillow. I'm done. I can't handle it anymore. i flew out of the house to find a coffee shop. After paying and guzzling down the double-Expresso, I traveled to a nearby park and sat down on a swing. Yes, it was meant for children, but when I was stressed or frustrated it always calmed me down. Suddenly two hands pushed against my back and the swing swayed. I turned around to find a small little boy. He continued trying to push me and I laughed at the child who didn't have quite enough arm strength. I glanced forward again to see Harry standing in the field close to the playground. I did a double-take and was glad to see him disappear. Maybe I was crazy, I thought.  The swing flew forward and I shreiked. How did the little boy manage to do that? I turned to find dream-boy standing there a smirk on his face.

"This is just a dream, Casey."


       I screamed, and threw my hands in the air when I woke up once again. Although this dream started out different. Harry was lying next to me. He got up and I scurried to the other side of the room, frightened.

"What's wrong Casey?"

"Why are you in my dreams!?" I screamed. "Why won't they end!?" He seemed confused.

"What dreams?"

"You have been in all my dreams. You're in this one. I'm going to wake up again and find you and wake up again and find you. It's a cycle."

"I'm your husband." He said,  his concern showing through his worried frown. I just stared at the ring, now obvious, on my finger, not knowing what to do. "Let's just go back to sleep. Okay honey?"

"Okay," I nodded and laid back down, making sure to stay as far away from him as possible.


       Waking up with Harry still beside me and the ring still on my finger, scared me to death. What was going on here? I get up slowly as to not wake him and search through my room. Everything looked a little off but I couldn't tell what it was until I examined all my picture frames. All of them were pictures of Harry. Harry playing baseball, Harry graduating, Harry and  a girl standing on a boat, a large catfish held between them. I dropped the frames in shock, causing the glass to break. The sound woke Harry from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before looking at me. His eyes widened and he scooted towards the headboard.

"It's you," He said.

"Me?" I asked.

"You're the Dream-girl."


The End! (:

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