Fix Me (Narry)

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Fix Me

         Never again would I stare at those thin pink lips, paralyzed. Never again would I get lost in those shining blue eyes. Never again would I hear those three soothing words, I love you. I knew that my relationship with Niall was over the second the door opened and Zayn and I were caught, lips locked. It happened all too fast. A pissed Niall hurled a shopping bag at my face, and ran into our bedroom. Zayn started to apologize profusely but I held up my hand to stop him. 

"I think you should go, Zayn." He nodded and headed out without another word. 

        I slowly made my way over to the bedroom door and leaned against it. I could hear the Niall sniffling from outside as well as shuffling and drawers opening. I flung the door open and started to beg, and plead, asking him to let me explain, but he kept silent and refused to look at me. I got down on my knees, I grabbed his wrist. He let me hold on to it for a gleaming second before ripping it from my desperate grasp. 

"You promised me. You vowed that you were mine and only mine. You broke that promise!"

"Please," I practically whimpered. "I need you."

"No, you don't. I needed you and you let me down." He said coldly.

"I'll do anything, just please forgive me."

"The only thing you can do now is let me go, Harry." I could see him trying to hold back the tears.

"I can't do that." My voice broke and I couldn't handle it anymore. I kissed him, smashing my lips into his, but he refused to kiss me back. I tried harder receiving nothing but a kiss full of motionless heart-break.

"I know," He said with a forlorn smile, kissing my forehead before grabbing his suitcase. "But I can't save you from yourself anymore. Your love for me isn't strong enough anymore. All of those awful things you were doing when we first met, keep coming back into the picture again. I can't handle your past and neither can you. It's better if I just leave now."

I watched as he headed to the front door where he stood for a moment. At first I thought he was going to turn around and say goodbye but what he did was so much worse. Without looking back he told me:

"I'm never coming back. That's a promise, Harry. And I won't break it." 

With those final words, my heart and soul shattered.



        I woke to my usual annoying alarm reminding me that I had to go to work, but this time when I glanced at the clock it was an hour after I was supposed to get up. I popped out of bed like I was a cartoon character, and yanked on my jeans. I threw my work shirt over my shoulder figuring I could put it on in the car. I slipped my feet into my shoes, and ran as fast as possible down the stairs in my apartment building. Once I was settled down in the car, I took a deep breath and began my short commute to work. A whole ten minutes later I was walking into Starbucks. I let myself breathe in the familiar smell of coffee before rushing behind the counter to get working. 

"Late again, Harry?" Zayn asked, he'd been promoted to manager and had to check in everybody as they arrived. 

"Shut up," I grumbled, throwing an apron over my head. He laughed at me and headed back to his  new office.

        Although it doesn't sound like it, I eventually forgave Zayn for breaking Niall and I up. He kissed me out of the blue that night, and told me later that he had feelings for me and just wanted to see what it was like. I will always blame him for that night, one of the worst ones of my life, but I've realized that if Niall and I were meant to be, we would have been able to work it out. I explained to Zayn that I had no feelings for him and let him down as politely as I could. Thank God he understood because there was no way I could lose my boyfriend and my best mate at about the same time.

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