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A girl with long black hair, one red eye, and the other scarred, white as snow, started walking towards Itsowa café.  She walked towards the table where Mika, Jamie, Harper, Ruby, and Levi sat.  Ruby looked at her with a confused look whilst Levi smiled and waved.  The mysterious girl flung her arms around Harper and perched her chin on Harper's shoulder.  

"Hello!  Sorry for being late!"  she said. 

 She kissed Harper's cheek and smiled brightly.  "Oh!  Hey!  Don't worry about it!" Harper smiled, she looked at the girl and then back at the other members.  "Guys, this is Spencer, another Originator for Operation 32.204!  She's also my girlfriend.."  Both Ruby and Jamie looked a bit shocked. 

Ruby smiled and looked at Spencer.  "Hey Spencer!  I'm Ruby.  Pleasure to meet you!"

"Oooh!  Ruby!  I've heard so much about you!  Glad to meet you too!"  Spencer stood up and hugged Ruby. 

Jamie just nodded and petted Mika's head. 

Levi Quivit's P.O.V

I'm bored of all these introductions.  I'm getting no credit for all this, too!  And Ruby doesn't know I'm an Originator...  Hm.  "...and I'm an originator too.."

Harper gave me a mini-glare, I just smirked and chuckled slightly.  

"Mhmm!  Levi, is an originator for Operation 32.204 as well as Spencer, and I." 

Ruby Akiyama's P.O.V

Wow... what's with that guy?  That was pretty rude... Tch.  

"Ah, cool..."

Jamie chuckled and winked at Ruby.  Mika rolled his eyes.  I smiled slightly.

"So, when will I start the new training sessions?..."

I could see Harper's eyes widen. "Next week!  Levi will train you for the first couple of months, then Zion and I will train you and help you pick your weapon!  Pretty cool, huh?"

"Uh-uhm... y-yeah.. sure..."  I looked at Levi for a split second.  Crap...  

~time skip brought to you by lazy writers c:~

Spencer Fields's P.O.V

Wow! All the new people are so.....interesting......I don't really understand Jamie and her petting habit but..meh, I can deal with it...then there's Mika, he's pretty cute, very happy which is good, we need more people like him in the Itsowa Ruby, she seems to be nice, doesn't talk much but I think I can break her! 

"Ok! So, Here is the location for the training grounds!"

 I snapped out of my thoughts as Harper announced, everyone's eyes were on her.  She pulled out a map from her bag, I'm always so amazed at how she an fit so much in such a small thing, but I didn't understand why she didn't just write it down on a piece of paper...

"Okay everyone! Let's begin!"

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