Jealousy part 1

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"Oh god, Frank, fuck me! Fuck me, Frank!" You watch as the girl in her underwear straddles him.

"Woah there, bitch. Calm down." He waves her off but she continues to latch onto him and kiss his neck. You normally aren't around during the day when Joji is filming. Most of the time you're at your waitressing job and at night he'd show you some of the clips he edited together. It was a little strange watching it happen in front of you, rather than on a screen.

This time he has a crew of his friends helping him film with their professional cameras and drones and you happen to have the day off. You're all on the roof of your apartment building shooting something ridiculous where this girl is Fake Frank's new sex crazed girlfriend. Since you couldn't really contribute to the filmmaking process, you spent your time picking up food for everyone and trying not to laugh or cringe at the weirdest scenes.

You'd all been at it for hours though and it was getting cold on the roof. You decide you've seen enough Filthy Frank for one day and quietly slip back downstairs to the apartment where you could chill until they were done working. To be honest with yourself, you were mostly done with seeing your boyfriend fake makeout with someone... even if they were just acting.

Eventually you begin to doze off until the door opens and Maya, the almost naked girl walks in.

"Oh hey, there you are." She waves to you and slips a tee shirt over her head.

"Yeah, I just got tired." You move over as she joins you on the couch. She nods and pulls a joint out of her purse.

"You mind?"

"No, go ahead." You hand her a lighter from your coffee table. She lights up and you can feel her eyes on you for a while as you turn your attention back to your phone.

"You're Joji's girlfriend, right?" She breaks the silence. "It's weird we haven't met until today. You'd think he'd mention you more."

What was that supposed to mean? You finally look up, "Mhm, it's almost been a year now. How long have you known him?"

"Oh shit" She laughs, clearly very high already, "we go wayyy back."

"Like college?"

"I used to fuck his roommate." Maya confirms, matter of factly.

"Oh." You raise your eyebrows and she bursts out laughing again, falling against you. You shift uncomfortably beside her.

"A year though? Really?" She looks up at you and shakes her head, "Damn. I thought Joji would be forever sleeping around like he used to."

You'd heard that before. Mostly from his friends when they wanted to give him a hard time and it never bothered you before. The way Maya said it though, it seemed like she was almost disappointed.

Your thoughts are interrupted by everyone barging through the front door. Loud, rowdy voices fill the apartment and Joji makes his way over to the two of you, still in his Frank sunglasses.

"Yoooo, lemme get some of that." He leans in close to Maya and pulls the joint from her hand, taking a long hit. She takes it back, giggling and lets him sit down beside her playfully throwing her legs up over his lap, causing you to move further down the couch. You look away, suddenly irritated.

"You coming out with us tonight, babe?" Joji finally acknowledges you. Apparently he'd forgotten his promise of taking you to dinner after everyone left. You decided not to bring it up though, you knew he'd been stressed lately and going out with his friends would be good for him. You on the other hand only wanted to take a bath and go to bed.

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