Jealousy part 2 (nsfw)

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The sun beams in from the cracked blinds above your bed that you forgot to close last night. It hits you directly in the eyes and you groggily roll to your side. You reach an arm out, expecting to feel Joji asleep beside you, but you come up empty. You finally open your eyes to confirm that he's gone and the bed is cold. You lay there, wondering where he is and replaying last night's events in your head.

The clock next to you reads 12:19 am. You couldn't remember the last time you slept till noon. Luckily it was Sunday so you had work off but you'd started to wish you had a shift. The last thing you wanted to do was look after your hungover boyfriend and his annoyingly flirty friend. You prayed Maya would be gone by now, but as you opened the door, you could see that was far from the case.

You silently walked to the kitchen for coffee as you eyed the two of them on the couch, both focused on his laptop. You shut the cabinet extra hard after grabbing a mug, hoping to get their attention but neither of them look up.

Only when you're standing in front of them do they notice you.

"Oh hey, babe." Joji nods to the kitchen. "There's a bagel for you on the counter."

You look over and see a bag from your favorite bakery. "When did you get that?"

"We got breakfast when you were asleep." Maya speaks up and you see Joji must have given her one of his tee shirts to sleep last night.

"Oh." You grip the mug tightly. "You could have woken me and I'd have come with."

Joji just waved you off, "Don't worry about it. We were hungover and needed sustenance. I figured I'd let you rest."

"Thanks." You say quietly as you bite into the dry bagel. You listen as they continue their conversation. Joji is playing her the music that he's been working on and for some reason it makes your stomach twist.

"You're so talented. This is really good." She coos.

"You think? I wasn't sure about this one."

The sight of them curled up together listening to his music made you want to cry. You weren't sure if you were being overdramatic but that was something the two of you would do most nights. It felt special being the one he trusted enough to ask your opinion on his unfinished works. It felt wrong seeing another girl in that position. Your mind wandered back to the Instagram stories of them dancing together last night.

"So how was last night?" You ask.

"Oh my god, we were all wasted, especially Joji," Maya laughs, "I'd forgotten how flirty you get when you're drunk. Just like those college days." She playfully shoves his arm and it's enough to make your eyes start to water. Your first thought is to make a beeline for the bedroom and lock the door behind you but instead you take a shaky breath.

"Can I talk to you... for a second?" You motion to the bathroom and Joji gets up when he sees the look in your eyes.

You lock the door behind you, turning around. It's a small, apartment sized bathroom so you're practically pressed against him. He rests his hands on your hips when he sees the hurt expression on your face.

"What's going on?" You can't believe how clueless he's acting.

"What's going on?" You repeat his words back to him, scoffing, "What's going on with her?"

"She's my friend, (Y/N)... there's nothing going on there."

"Yeah? Does she know that?" He can hear the anger creeping into your voice and his hands leave your waist.

"I saw the Instagram stories she posted, okay? It looked more than friendly. And the way she talks to me..." You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself.

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