Life's Not So Bad (nsfw)

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Your heels click along the concrete pathway as you walk towards the river. Everything is quiet and serene- a complete contrast to the mayhem going on inside the club. Your ears continue to hum as you sit down on the river-bank, taking a swig from your large glass of wine. You let your eyes focus on the soft ripples of the moon-lit water, almost falling into some sort of blissful trance as you inhale the cool, midnight air and shut off your mind. The alcohol streams through your body; mind hazy and skin warm.

"Mind if I join you?" A deep voice speaks out.

You can feel that he's near; right behind you, in fact. Before you have a chance to respond, his body slumps down next to yours, swinging his legs over the edge of the bank. He smells of a mixture of subtle cologne and cigarettes. Turning your head to the left, you take his appearance in; his gaze sits firmly on the scene in front as he takes a long, concentrated drag from the cigarette between his fingers.

You've seen him before at this club but never so close. He's mesmerizing with his dark hair and even darker eyes, his lips are a deep shade of pink, wrapping tightly around the end of his cigarette. You watch his cheekbones sink inwards as he takes another drag, and it's only then that you notice it isn't actually a cigarette that he's smoking. He must notice you staring because he holds the skilfully rolled joint out to his side, silently offering it to you. You eye his long fingers up and down, unavoidably imagining them inside of you as you take it from him without hesitation. The right corner of his mouth etches upwards as you take a drag. The effects hit you fast, quickly pumping through your bloodstream until you're giggling and everything feels good and numb. You shut my eyes once more, passing it back to him; his rough fingers grazing yours.

"Any reason you're out here by yourself?" he speaks again; his words smothered by a thick exhalation of smoke.

You keep silent for a moment before opening your eyes and lifting your head to face him. His hair is messy, falling in all directions. It suits the sultry expression on his face.

"Life" You shrug before laughing.

He turns his face towards yours for the first time and grins before lifting his hand from his side and pressing the remainder of the joint to your lips; watching intently as you furrow your brow and take the final drag. Pulling it from your lips, he stumps it to the cool concrete below.

"Life's overrated" he replies flippantly before meeting your gaze once more.

Your eyes remain fixed for what feels like an eternity, carefully studying the other silently.

"Joji, by the way" he smirks, holding his hand out to you. You already knew that. He'd performed earlier in the night.

You take a sip of your wine, before linking your hand with his and introducing yourself.

His smirk quickly widens to a grin as your touch lingers; your heart racing at his mere presence.

"So why are you out here, Joji?" He simply shrugs.

"You know what? How about we take advantage of 'life'" he says, getting to his feet and pulling you up with him.

The mischievous look on his face has you enchanted- a weird magnetism drawing you in. You take another gulp from the glass before placing it on the bench and smirking at him.



"Joji, are we seriously drinking champagne on the streets?" You laugh, grabbing the bottle from his hand and swigging the expensive liquid down your throat.

He'd swiped the champagne bottle from the club and the two of you are making your way to his apartment, laughing and drinking along the way.

He smiles back at you, lighting the end of another joint and pressing it between his lips.

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