Tokka: Feelings

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"SNOOZLES!" Toph yelled as she searched Zuko's palace for her best friend. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

It was Aang's 20th birthday, and he decided to spend this special day with him with the Gaang.

Sokka sprinted down the long corridor, looking from somewhere to hide, even though, Toph had seismic sense. He finally gave up. The young water tribe man sat in the middle of the hallway, admitting defeat.

"Sokka!" He heard Toph and cringed at the fact that her footsteps were causing mini earthquakes all through out the palace.

As soon as Toph spotted Sokka, she ran up to him, eager to earthbend him 20 feet in the air. Sokka flinched and prepared himself for the worst.

But feeling his limp body, defeated on the floor, Toph decided to have mercy on Sokka. She sat down beside him.

"What was that?" She said in her most sympathetic voice.

Sokka's face was bright red. Good thing Toph couldn't see that. He looked around, making sure no one could see them, and he dragged the small earthbender into the closest room.

After he shut the door, he sighed heavily. Toph stood beside him, annoyed, waiting for an answer to her question.


Sokka turned to her. "Well, you were outside in the sunlight and the light was hitting your face and you looked so beautiful and I've been wanting to tell you how I feel so I went up to you and you know I kissed you and then I ran and now your mad and I'm sorry but I've liked you forever and--"

Toph stopped him. "Is that right?" She pondered, tapping her chin. She paced and Sokka's heartbeat began to pick up. Toph realized this and decided to mess with him for a bit.

"So you think I'm beautiful?"

Sokka gulped. "Yes."

"And you said you liked me?"


His heart was pumping through his chest.

"And you thought kissing me was a good idea?" She said with her eyebrows up.

"Yeah... I'm just gonna go..." He said, backing up towards the door.

Toph grabbed his hand. "No, you're not leaving."

She took 2 slow steps towards him. Sokka gulped again, harder this time. Toph cupped his face and smashed her lips against his. With one hand on his face and the other on his shoulder, her cheeks felt like fire. Their lips moved perfectly against one another. Sokka wrapped his hands around her waist, bringing her closer to his body. As Toph latched on to Sokka's bottom lip with her teeth, his tongue begged for entrance; Toph allowed it.

Once they both realized what they were doing, they pulled apart, both with wide, open eyes.

"Whoa." Was all Sokka could say.

"Yeah." Toph replied.

"FOODS READY!" Katara shouted, causing both Toph and Sokka to be snapped out of their trances.

"Lets... Uh..." stammered Sokka.

"Go." Toph finished. They both rushed towards the dining room.

"Man, I hope Katara made--" Sokka cried.

"Meat." They both said together. They couldn't help but laugh at their mental synchronization despite the sexual tension between them.

As they sat down, they said happy birthday to the overjoyed avatar, and dug in to the feast that had been prepared.

But ever so often, Toph would look across the table an shoot Sokka a seductive grin and Sokka would reciprocate with a goofy, but quiet giggle, knowing that what happened before dinner would happen a lot in the future.

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