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This ones sad. I'm sawwy! Hope you enjoy!


"We're under attack!" Aang yelled.

"You don't think we know that, twinkle toes?" Toph cried sarcastically, as a boulder flew from her finger tips.

The Gaang had gone to a remote island for vacation. They all needed a break from their lives, so off Aang, Katara, Toph and Sokka went. But they were being ambushed, and they were all well into their fourties.

Katara shot one of the men with an ice dagger, but to no avail. All of these warriors had armor!

"None of my attacks are working! Their armor is too thick!" exclaimed a breathless Sokka.

"I'll handle this," said Toph, as she proceeded to try to metal bend the armor.

"Our armor is made out of platinum," laughed the main attacker. "Did you think we'd have armor that you could metal bend?"

Toph was both shocked and terrified. How could this be?

As the battle went on, more and more ambushers were coming and the Gaang was getting tired.

"There's too many!" panted Katara.

"I know! I can't handle all of these warriors!" Cried Sokka. Sokka used his space sword to try and slice the enemies, but his sword snapped on the armor.

"Space sword!" Sokka screamed. As he went down to try and pick up the remnants of the weapon, an enemy pushed a dagger through his stomach.

"SOKKA!" Katara and Toph yelled. Sokka collapsed, losing more blood with every passing moment.

"No... Sokka!" spoke Aang and all of his past Avatars, as he entered the Avatar State. He unleashed a four element fury, causing the attackers to retreat.

Toph created an earth tent as Katara swiftly ran to Sokka's side. With tears in her eyes, Katara began to try and heal her brother.

"Ka-- Katar--" Sokka tried to speak.

"Shh. Don't speak," Katara said and she continued to try and heal him.

Many air tornadoes, flying boulders, a giant wave, and fire blasts later, the island was clear of enemies.

As Aang came out of the avatar state, he entered the earth tent.

"How... How is he?" Aang asked, frightened of the answer he would receive.

Katara just looked up at Aang and he could see that it wasn't good by looking in her tear-filled eyes.

As Katara kept healing, Toph was getting scared.

"Can you go any slower? Is it even working?!" She said frantically.

Katara stopped. "No. No, it's not."

The wound was too deep and he was losing too much blood.

"I-- It's okay, Ka-- Katara," stammered Sokka. "Thanks f-- for trying."

Sokka noticed that the three closest people to him could not stop crying, so he tried to lighten the mood.

"He-- hey. If these are m-- my last mo-- moments, I sh-- should have some kick ass l-- last words, r-- right?"

With a giggle through their sobs, the three listened to him attentively.

Sokka sat up and tried his hardest to get his words out. "Aang, thanks for being my best friend. All through these y-- years you've always been there for m-- me and thank you.

"Katara, haha w-- where do I start? You are the best s-- sister ever. Thanks for loving me uncon-- ditionally. I l-- love you."

The two began to cry, as Aang held Katara.

"Now, Aang, Katara, l-- leave," Sokka said.

"But..." said both Aang and Katara.

"Hey I'm the one d-- dying!" Sokka cried. "Now leave!"

The two left swiftly, leaving Toph and Sokka alone. As Toph sniffled, Sokka went on.

"Toph," he started already getting noticeably weak. "I'm gonna get straight to the point. I-- I love you."

Toph, shocked, was surprised. She could feel Sokka's heartbeat slow. " I love you too." She began to smile through her cry.

"I've always loved you," Sokka pushed out as he felt himself finally getting tired.

As Toph saw this, she leaned down and kissed him. With Sokka's lips barely moving, Toph knew that this was it. She soaked in the kiss.

Sokka breathed his last breath into Toph's needy lips.

"Goodbye, Sokka. I will always love you."

He was gone.


I'm sorry that kinda sucked :)

I'm also sorry for sucking with updates! I'll do better I promise!

Thanks baes I love you <3


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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