Chapter 9-Re-Birth

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A/N: The entire chapter will be written in Rachelle's P.O.V. The setting is on the same day that Carson and Bella took a downtown stroll in Regina—Just to prevent any confusion. Enjoy guys! -Belle

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I woke up feeling uneasy. For a moment, I was confused as to what happened last night. I tried to recall last night's events: Carson came over my place only to nag me into calling Bella; Had a phone conversation with Bella; She ended the call to freshen herself up; Was trying to talk to Carson, but saw him immersed on his phone, completely oblivious to my voice; Ended up in a huge fight in front of Bella; Told him to get out and apologized to Bella about the scene that unfolded in front of her.

Yep, that about sums it up. It explains why I woke up to a damp, mascara-stained pillow. It seems as though I've cried myself to sleep. Usually, the following morning after one of our fights, I would spend the entire day in bed, not wanting to talk to any one except Bella.

There were even times when I was so depressed that I even push away Bella.

But now, it seems different. I wake up feeling all right, as if nothing changed. I actually want to go outside and spend time with friends. I feel free of some type of burden.

Am I actually referring to Carson as a burden? I ask myself. No, he was your loving boyfriend who just so happened to prioritize his phone over his girlfriend.

Key word being was.

I rolled over to grab my phone on my bedside table and I sent a quick text to Jaymes.

R: Jays meet me @ our cafe for breakfast, smthing happened last nite


J: I have sme errands 2 do. Is it important?

R: Very. just come pick me up around 7 or 8, or whenvr ur avail. just text me ok?

J: Mkay. Ill be avail around 8 to 8:30. Pick u up then?

R: Shure. Meetchu der

I put my phone down and got up to start the day. It was 6:51 so, I have about an hour until Jaymes picks me up for our coffee date. I went to the washroom and took a glance at the mirror. I looked like a fucking raccoon. My make-up was smudged and dark tear stains trailed down my cheeks. I laughed at my own reflection, which was quite peculiar to me. Originally, when I see myself in this state, I would've grabbed an item within my grasp and throw it at the mirror. I looked down at my hands and took note of my healed scars from all the mirrors that I've broken.

I shook my head and recalled the time that Jaymes found me on the bathroom floor with my injured hands and knees from the glass shards. He comforted me and cleaned up the mess that I created during my fit of rage. He listened to me talk and complain about my feelings and problems. He was basically a second Bella to me.

I met Jaymes Mason Nichols at Bella's 15th birthday. Apparently, she and Jay have known each other ever since third grade. They lost contact for a while since Bella moved schools, but they were reunited on Instagram in the beginning of grade 10; They lost contact for about six years. They were family friends back then and his parents would tease him that Bella was going to become his girlfriend. But after they were reunited, they liked each other for a while, but it never went further than a harmless crush.

Ever since that birthday get-together, Jay and I have been good acquaintances. But when I moved to his high school for 11th grade, we became friends. Ever since then, the rest is history.

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