Chapter 11-The Healing Process

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A/N: The video that I've linked to this story has helped many of my friends during their break ups. If you are lost and in need of a push to start over again, feel free to go on YouTube to watch this video as many times as you want.

If you just had a break up—or going through a rough patch and you're feeling down about yourself, just remember that you are never alone; There are people who love and support you. They are only just one call/text away.

But if you still feel isolated and alone, and you want to talk to someone who doesn't know about your past and mistakes, feel free to message me. You can talk to me without any judgment towards you and your actions. It may seem weird but I'm here if you, the reader, need someone.

Now that's out of the way, enjoy the chapter guys. :3 xoxo, Belle

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After teasing Bella in the shower, I took another look around her apartment. She still has some decorating to do, since the place looks a bit bare. I have to say, I'm a bit bored at the moment. So when I saw Bella's phone on the counter, I did a little bit of snooping myself. I had access to her phone since I forced her to put my fingerprint on her Touch ID. I know that it's wrong, but I have nothing to do. How can a little snooping do any harm?

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. It did more damage than I expected.

I felt a stab in my chest as I scrolled through her texts with Jaymes. It seems as though that she has moved on quicker than I expected. I feel my bright mood slowly fading away the longer I looked at the phone. I sank down onto the floor and rested my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and let the realization hit me. I accepted the fact that Rachelle has moved on. I knew she was tired of this keeping this on-and-off relationship that we have. A tear escaped and fell on my cheek, causing my dam to crack and shatter. I furiously wiped away the cascading tears but eventually gave up, knowing that there was no way to stop my sudden outburst. I lowered my head and let my emotions take over to the point where I felt nothing.

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I stepped out of the shower, determined as ever to give Carson a piece of my mind. I quickly got dressed and stormed out of my room while ferociously brushing my hair, yanking on the tangles. "Carson! Care to explain what the hell happened—"

I stopped when I saw Carson sprawled out on the floor, looking disheveled and broken. I quickly rushed to his side and pulled him close to me, with his head resting on my shoulder. He mumbled something into my hair as I rubbed his back. "What happened?"

"Rachelle," he mumbled in reply. "She's moved on."

I pulled back, looking at him in the eyes. "You don't know that Cars," I assured him.

"She finally moved on," he took a deep, shaky breath. "I saw your texts with Jaymes. She was out of the house yesterday. We broke up like, what, two days ago? If she still cared about me, if she still loved me, she'd still be sulking in room right now."

He pulled his knees closer and rested his head in between them. "It's finally over," he barely whispered. "She doesn't want to keep up with this charade anymore."

I moved closer and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, everyone needs a break sometimes. Remember what I told you back in eleventh grade? I said that sometimes a break is what a couple needs. That during that independent period, they take the time to reflect and grow into a better and stronger person."

I paused and stared into his tired hazel eyes. "And when they get back together," I continued, "their relationship will be stronger than ever. Maybe that's what you and Rachelle needs. Also, if it's meant to be, then you both will find your way back to each other. I remember you telling me that. Don't forget your own lessons Cars. We need a little bit of reminding sometimes, which is why I'm here for you."

I gave him a small smile and he gave me a sad one in return. I pulled him close and we stayed silent for a few moments until an idea popped in my head. "Hey Cars, I think I have something that can help you cope with your problem with Rach."

I grabbed my phone from his side and frantically searched for the video. "I watched this video a couple of days ago when I was browsing through Wong Fu's YouTube account. I instantly thought of you and Rachelle as I watched this video." I clicked on the video and handed the phone to Carson. "I wanted to show you yesterday but you were in a good mood. I did promise you that we would have fun and by showing this, I would've broken my promise."

I gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I have to go get ready for work. I'll see you later okay? Make sure you guard my apartment from intruders."

I heard a faint chuckle come from him. I smiled knowing that I have successfully brought some levity during this somber atmosphere. "I'll see you later," I gave him a quick hug before I left him to his thoughts.

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I watched the video repetitively. It has helped, but the story was told from a girl point of view, so I couldn't fully relate. Well, at least now I know what Rachelle went through every break that we had.

I refrained from talking to anyone all day. I didn't use my phone unless I felt the urge to watch the video again. I guess I'm still at the Reminiscing and Retracting stage.

I never really did anything for the majority of the afternoon. I binge watched a few shows on Netflix, browsed through channels, and surfed the internet on my laptop. I watched the video a few times throughout the day and I was able to reflect on Rachelle and I's relationship. It was a healthy and passionate relationship, that's for sure, until little fights turned into heated arguments. The more I thought about it, I felt the pieces come together.

Maybe Bella was right. Maybe all that Rachelle and I need is a long break from each other. I guess I've quickly moved on from stage one to stage two.

As soon as I had accepted Bella's proposed theory, it felt as though that a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. In that moment, I understood as to what Rachelle must've felt yesterday. We've spent too much time sulking on our petty arguments that there was nothing left to cry over. For once in our relationship, I actually felt okay with our status right now. But, I wasn't exactly sure what we are as of now. I'm going to have to call Rachelle soon to get things sorted with her. I have to, in order to fully move on, and heal from our past and current heartbreak. Surprisingly, I felt comfortable and confident with my decision.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number where two rings passed before she picked up. Before she could even greet—or hang up the phone on me, I abruptly said, "Rachelle, we need to talk."

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Published on November 4, 2017

Revised on November 12, 2017

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