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India P O V:

I pulled out my phone and saved the address I was at. I got out quickly and headed towards the door. ''Excuse me, ma'm. Can I ask who you are?'' A man appeared from the side of the house. ''Uh.. I'm Mrs Perez, Jacob's wife. I'm sorry, he told me to come along.'' I lied.

''Oh, well, it just seems that you were sitting in that car suspiciously long.'' He replied. I was silent. ''I'll escort you in, Mrs Perez.'' He continued. "Can I just see some I.D please?"

I rustled around my pockets for my license. "Here." I said, showing him. He took it and pulled the radio on his chest closer to his mouth, "This is Charlie here, I have a Mrs. Perez here at-.." My throat tightened as I listened to him for through the protocol.

Why does she have security?

He waited until he got the all clear, "All checks out, Mrs. Perez, sorry for the inconvenience."
I nodded and followed behind as he begun to knock on the door.

The door opened slowly, Jacob looked over immediately.

''India?'' Jacob asked. ''Ruby, do you know this woman?'' The guard asked, standing beside me. She glared at me for a moment. ''Y-yes.. I know India.'' She nodded nervously. ''Right. Sorry for disturbing. I'll be leaving now.'' He said as shut the door and left the house. Jacob stood up immediately, ''What're you doing here?'' He asked angrily.

''Why is it all such a secret? Rubella was a big part of my life too, Jacob.'' I scuffed, storming past him. I sat down opposite her. ''Did my Uncle pay your Mom?'' I asked. ''India, I'm not aloud to ta-..''

''You think I care about all that?'' I asked, crossing my arms.

"Okay, okay." She said.

"All I know is that Mom told me that while we was in New York, Jerry found out that Gee and Ron were bringing you over. So that's when he offered her the money and explained the plan to us. She took it because we've been low since Dad left. My Mom just always said you wasn't safe to be around." She said lowly.

"You had no say?" Jacob asked. "Of course not." She replied. "Did anyone else know this was happening?" I asked quickly.

"Rachel.. did."

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"You know Rachel always had something for you, India. She couldn't just drop her hate all of a sudden and be friends." She explained.

Jesus, do I feel stupid. I've let this woman in my home. To my wedding, to see my child. "Do you- talk to Rachel or something?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"I used to." I replied. "We did get closer over the years. But now I realise she's been a fake bitch this whole time." I mumbled. "Let's go now, Ind-"

"Where's your mother?" I asked, interrupting Jacob.

"See, that's private." She darted back. I stood up, and looks down at her. "I will literally kidnap you and hold you captive until you tell me." I snapped.

"India?" Jacob shrieked.

"What, Jacob? These fucking people are the reason my life went to shit. What the fuck do you want from me? - are you on the opposite side now or some shit?" I yelled.

He stood there silently. "Let's just go."

I looked back at Rubella, "Believe me, I'm going to be back." I sneered, walking towards the door.

"Sorry, I'll see you later." Jake apologised quietly.

I looked back as he walking out the door. "Am I some sort of fucking embarrassment to you, Jacob?" I asked.

"No Ind-"

"Then why isit, all of a sudden it's let's go. Why aren't you fighting with me, why don't you wanna know where this woman is too? We have fucking questions that deserve answers." I begun to sob.

"India, don't cry. Please."

"Fuck you, Jacob." I said, getting into my car.

I drove off immediately and made my own way home.

Jacob P O V:

I walked round to my car. I got in and sat my head on the steering wheel. I sighed heavily, feeling my throat tighten up.

It's not that I don't want to help India, of course I do. But, I haven't seen Rubella in years, and to think I finally do and I had so much to say, and India comes in angrily and took it away.

What makes her think it's okay to follow me?

"Jacob-" i heard someone call. I looked over to Rubella at the door. "Uh-.. I'm sorry. But, will India really do that beca-.." She said as she walked closer to the car.

"Nah, don't worry about India. She's alot of talk." I explained.

"Oh.. good. Because I'd have to get my agent involved and well honestly she'd be arrested. I cant jeopardise my safety anymore. I just thought so should let you know. Hey, maybe when this is all over, we can gets a coffee or something, talk properly."

I didn't say anything at first.
She's really in it deep.

"I understand, that'd be great."

Good fuckin' girl.     (Bad Little Girl sequel.) (Princeton/Jacob Action/Love.)Where stories live. Discover now