Chapter One: Getting adopted and more

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Elly's POV.

I sighed deeply as I saw the blood drip from my hand. "Now finish your chores!" Said the director. I nodded and went back to doing the dishes and then cleaning.

I went up to my room. "Tomorrow we have guests. Clean yourself up before they come." Said the director bitterly. I sighed and just didn't answer.

I woke up early, got dressed after taking a shower. I brushed my teeth and my hair and put my taped up glasses on. I then went downstairs, the director ruffly pushed me into a line. "Here are the guests." The director said happily. I didn't smile and just put my hood up over my blonde hair. A couple people passed me, but one didn't a blonde guy, about 22 stopped at me. "Hello," he said softly. I looked up slightly. "Hello," I said. He smiled and walked past me. I sighed, losing all hope of getting adopted. Everyone adopted a child except the blonde man. I sighed and went to my room. The director had left and it was a different lady. I laid in bed just thinking.

Logan's POV.

"That one girl seemed nice." I said to Jake through the phone. "I don't know man, it's pretty risky. What if she's messed up or something?" Jake said. I immediately felt a bit of anger in me. "Jake she's perfectly fine!" I said a angrily. "And I don't care what you say Jake, I'm adopting her!" I said, hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and went back to the orphanage.


"Elly, your being adopted so gather your things." Said the director. I was thinking a few things at that moment: 1. Finally! I'm getting away from this Hell! 2. By who? 3. Why? But then I just packed up my items and walked down the stairs to seem the same man from earlier. I shrugged my bag higher on my shoulder shyly. He smiled and put his hand out. "I'm Logan Paul, your adoptive father." He said. I shook his hand. I had been adopted several times and brought back. "Follow me." He said. I nodded and followed him. We walked to his fancy car and I got in the back. "Tomorrow, if you like, you can go shopping with my friend Alyssa Violet if oh would like." He said. I nodded. "How old are you by the way?" He asked.
"14." I responded stiffly. He nodded.
"You don't have to act so stiff around me." He said softly as he started driving. I just looked out the window. "Would you like to be enrolled in middle school or what?" He asked. I thought for a minute. "I've never gone to a real school before. Could I try that?" I asked, looking at him hopefully. He smiled and chuckled. "Of course." We soon arrived at his-or our home. He smiled and led me into the big house. He saw the widening of my eyes. "Follow me, I'll bring you to your room." He said. I followed him into a rather large room. I looked around. "So your not gonna keep in a cupboard under the stairs?" I said jokingly, referring to Harry Potter. He laughed. "Of course not. And nice Harry Potter reference. Which the whole series is over there on that shelf, all yours." He said. I giggle and ran over. I looked back at him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said hugging him. He smiled and hugged me back. "I'll let you get settled. I walked into the walk in closet and hung my few clothes.

An hour later...
"Elly! Dinner!" Logan called from downstairs. I hurried down in my sweatshirt. "Why are you wearing a sweatshirt! It's ninety degrees!" He said. I shrugged. "Comfortable, and I'm kinda cold." I said. I sat down at the table and began eating. How could I show him my scars. The scars that the director had inflicted onto me. I winced remembering. I shook the thought out of my head and turned to Logan-er, I don't know what to call him. "Um, I have a question..." I said shyly. He looked up. "Yes Elly?" He asked. "What am I, supposed to call you?" I asked nervously. "Whatever you feel comfortable with." He said. I nodded. What should I call him? Dad or Logan. Let's start with Logan and just see. I finished eating and went to the kitchen and rinsed off my plate. I then saw a weird thing. "Logan?" I asked.


I heard her call from the kitchen and came in. "What is that?" She asked, pointing to my YouTube play button. "That's something called a YouTube play button." I said.
"That makes you, a Youtuber!" She said excited. I smiled. She jumped a little, and then noticed I was watching her and blushed embarrassedly. "Sorry, I've just never met a Youtuber and now I learn one's going to be my Dad! How cool is that!" She said. I smiled.
"Oh! By the way, if you haven't noticed there's a laptop and a desktop computer in your room. Also, here is your new iphone!" I said. She looked awed. "Thank you!" She said hugging me again. I hugged her back. What a character. She then went up the stairs and went into her room.


I got on the computer and downloaded Roblox and Minecraft. I also got all four of the sims plus some mods on minecraft and the sims, on the laptop. I began creating me. I made a house and made, my, Dad? I don't know. I suddenly heard a knock on my door. "Whatcha doin' kiddo?" Logan asked. I opened the door and let him in. "Playing the sims." I said, getting back in the computer. He smiled and watched me play. I told him about my sim. "And who's that?" He asked, pointing to the sim version of himself. "That's, well that's you." I responded. "And who are they?" He pointed to my brother that died, my twin brother, and my parents, not to mention Emily. "They, are my, family." I said. He looked at me. "Do you want to talk about this? We don't have to if you don't want to." He said.
"Well, okay. This, is my brother, he died when I was little in the army. I didn't know him well, but I still have a picture." I show him the picture of Avery. "This is Avery." I say, handing the delicate picture to him. I pointed to my twin brother. "He's my twin, George, me and him were separated when our parents died." I said, handing the picture of him to Logan. "This was the last picture I got when we were Eleven before the letters stopped coming." And then, I pointed past my parents, to Emily. My sister. "This is Emily. She's out there but wasn't allowed near me. She's my sister." I said. I held in tears mentioning my family again. I saved my game and closed my computer. "It's okay." He says. I scoot closer to him. He rubs my back and soothes me. This is how it is now.

Adopted by Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now