His Heart Is Broken

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<Y/N's POV>

I unlocked the door and sat on the toilet seat still my legs up to my chest crying. He comes in and he holds me tight. I wanted to push him but I just felt safe around him.

I heard the bathroom door open I opened my eyes and he was gone, I saw Beverly sit beside me.

"Y/N, come on let's go to Billy's house, he wants a meeting," She said pulling me up and walking to his house.

<Billy's POV>

I saw Y/N with Beverly, walking into my garage. I saw Y/N look at me and she didn't smile or anything. I wanted to find Y/N's sister by using my dad's map with the sewer pipes drawn onto it.

"Okay, we'll find Luna if we find where the pipes mostly connect. Looks like they lead to a house." I said pointing at the pipes. For some reason  the projector was acting strange looking at Y/N's family pictures. It was getting closer to Y/N's moms face and it started changing to Pennywise's face. "Turn it off Billy!!" Yelled Y/N as she started crying and screaming. Everyone was freaking out, I kicked the projector and it broke. But it kept changing, I pulled the plug but it kept going. Y/N was still crying on the floor, the projector went off as it was so close to Pennywise's face. "She's mine, Billy, you'll never get her," A demonic voice said in my ear.

The lights went out for a few minutes. "What the fuck who turned off the fucking lights?! " Yelled Richie. The lights went back on and Y/N was missing. "Y/N?!" Yelled Beverly, everyone else yelled for her but no sound of screaming or seeing her.

<Y/N's POV>

I woke up in the sewer, why? I started to walk around trying to find my way out. But a balloon appeared saying 'I love Derry' on it. I felt hands on my shoulders and someone massaging then making me throw my head back. Pennywise looked down at me and smile but it wasn't creepy. "Sorry, too much?" He said and his face blushing. I shook my head and I turned towards him and my hands touching his fluffy red ball on his suit. He laughed a little and he grabbed me bridal style back into the sewers. I looked back at the exit but then it disappears from my sight. "I don't want you to leave," He said placing me on the ground.

His eyes had lust and his eyes telling me not to leave him. He really loved me, I was full of regret. His eyes were blue and I hugged him. Last time I hugged him, he didn't have a heart beat. This time, he did, it was so loud and it was beating very fast. Not a bad way but it was like love would do. I smiled at his heart beat and I looked at him. His smile was less creepy and his cheeks were like tomatoes.

I heard yelling in the pipes, "Y/N, you in here!? " It sounded like Billy's voice. Pennywise's face was full of anger, he didn't really like Billy. I saw Billy he saw me and Pennywise close to each other. "Y/N, what are you doing, that's a freaking clown that just killed your sister what the heck!?" Said Richie. I looked at Pennywise, his eyes were orange, I started to hold him back. "Pennywise please, don't hurt them," I said looking at him, his eyes changed to blue. I sighed and smiled at him, "Y/N, what the fuck," Said Mike. "Stay back Billy, I got her first," Growled Pennywise as his eyes turned orange again. I held Pennywise's hand and he was normal. I feel like I can change him, "Pennywise please don't hurt them, especially Billy," I said looking at Billy with a weak smile.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Asked Billy, I looked at him and I knew he would think that I'm crazy.

"Billy, he just had feelings for me, and I might have feelings too," I said, Pennywise looked at me surprised.

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