The Friends

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Here I was, I woke up from a horrible long dream. Was it?

I can see I just moved here, which I did. I saw the moving truck outside.

I saw my dad helping with the boxes and stuff inside. My mom was taking care of my sister Luna that was still 9.

Luckily she wasn't dead.

I ran to her and hugged her.

"Uh, sis, are you okay?" She said confused. "Nothing, I just really missed my sister," I sobbed.

"It's okay sister, I'm here, I was only gone for 6 hours cause I was sleeping," She giggled.

"Okay guys, let's get cleaned up and ready for school, okay?" My mom said, I nodded and ran upstairs.

I got dressed and ran downstairs.
My mom and dad, also were alive. I ate my breakfast and walked with Luna to her school. Her school wasn't far from mine, I knew I can keep her away from sewers.

"Wait, Luna, be careful when you walk towards that," I said pointing at the sewer drain. She looked at me and nodded with a smile.

"You don't know if someone can take you," I mumbled protecting her from getting killed maybe from Pennywise.

If he is real

I broke from my thoughts and dropped off Luna at her school. I walked to my school. Derry High School, I was a freshman. I was really a 'loser' at this school, people drop my books, they gossip. I went to put my drawing book away, then a little tap on my shoulder makes me turn around.


"Hey, you must be new here, may I help you with the tour around here, sorry for being rude, I'm Beverly Marsh and you are?" She waited for me to speak. My eyes were in shock for seeing her here!

"Um, I'm Y/N...Y/N L/N," I helped her and I saw a football player came over to us. "Is this the Losers Meeting, I think you're missing a few, are you?" He asked, Beverly rolled her eyes and she turned around.

"Yea actually, I think you're missing a bloody nose on your face," She sassed putting her fist up to his nose. His eyes widened and his both hands go to his face defending himself.

"Woah okay, little miss sassy," He now walks away from us and she turns back to me with a smile. Her hair was in a ponytail and last time her hair was short. I was friends with them, not an acquaintance. "Come on let's go get your classes," She smiles and she grabs my hand to the table that said 'Classes'.

I knew it was first day of school, two days ago was when I first moved here.
Beverly helped me get my classes. "Oh great, you have my classes so I can help you around this school, come on we have History.

I sat in the class next to Beverly, I heard girls talk about me and her behind us. I heard their names were Trisha, Megan, and Marla. We were learning about stuff I already know.
I rose my hand for every answer and I get called on and got the answer correctly.

"Wow Y/N, you're so good at History," Beverly said smiling at me. I nibbled on my pen and smiled. "Thanks," I whispered, I sensed eyes laying on me
I turned around, there they all were.
Richie, Eddie, Stan, and...


I turned around and Beverly tapped on my shoulder again. "Those are the other people from the Losers Club, you'll meet them all in a sec," She said and I nodded looking at them then back at the board.

After a long boring class, the bell rings. I grab my back and swing it over my shoulder. My backpack hits a girl next to me, it was Megan, the queen of her group.

"Ew, what the heck, why did you hit me, watch it where you swing that bag of yours," She sassed. "Well if you haven't put on those stupid stuck on lashes on, then you wouldn't get hit next time," I sassed the students all said 'oh' and I smirked at her.

"Ugh, I'll get you," She said walking off, the other girl I think was Trisha walked behind her. "Wait are those really fake Megan!?" Trisha said running after her. Everyone laughed and walked out of class.

I saw Beverly wave at me to come to her, I walked calmly over there. I saw the boys I saw. Billy kept laying eyes on my features.

Yep, he actually did like me

"Y/N what you did back in that class was so cool," Beverly said and the boys were just standing there wide eyes.

"Who's this hot chick?" Richie said and I blushed. "Oh guys, this is Y/N L/N, she's new here," Beverly answered. I saw Stanley come towards us and he stood next to Billy. "Billy, there's another missing child, it's just happened today." Said Stanley.

Missing Papers?

Kids are missing.

Pennywise is here still?

"Um, I gotta go, bye," I said walking off out of the school. Everyone followed me, great, I hate when they do that. "Wait where are you going?" Richie said and Billy looked at me concerned. I didn't answer, I just continued to walk. "Come on guys just follow her," Said Beverly, they walked to me and I walked to the caution board where Georgie was takened.

"That's where Ge-Georgie d-disappeared in," Billy stuttered swallowing a big lump in his throat.

"I know," I said and they all looked at me confused.

"How do you know, you're new here in Maine?" Eddie said, I looked at them then I looked at the drain. I needed Luna to be safe.

"Beverly?" I asked.

"Yea Y/N?" She said.

"Can you go to the Derry Elementary and get my sister Luna, and make sure she doesn't go anywhere by herself?" I stood there not even looking at her, just the sewer.

"Yea of course, see you guys later," She said before walking off to the school where my sister was at.

Today was gonna be good

Yo it's Claire again, I just hit 1. 13k reads thank you guys so much, I thought my story was boring but thank you guys so much. I love you guys💖❤

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