The House on Neibolt Street

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7: 27pm 10/26/1983

I sat in my living room, pretending to be sick to skip school. Luckily it worked, my mom and dad were in the other room packing for a trip for their interview in New York. They'll probably move away again but why just get a job here?

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

''Girls, we'll be back! We are late for our job interview, I called a babysitter to make sure you guys are okay when we get back. Okay?''

Luna and I nodded smiling, we know what to do.

20 minutes later.

Okay, not what I have planned but, it's pretty boring with the babysitter. Her names Christine, she was really boring, she doesn't do anything, she blames us on the trash that she left on the table.

''Thanks for putting the trash away,'' she said. I got angry at her attitude.

''Well, I wasn't finished with it, I was about to get you into the trash,'' I smirked at her, I bet that burned.

She scoffed and her face was so funny when she was disgust at me.

''Oops, I said it out loud did I?'' I giggled and she walked away. My sister high-fived me and we laughed.

I walked Luna to my room and we had a little meeting.

"Luna, I will be back, if the babysitter asks where I am, tell her I'm at my friends house for a little, okay?" I said.

She nodded and smiled. I'm so lucky to still have my sister. "And also, I want you to warn you about strangers, and also clowns, if you see them just continue to walk." I added.

I got up and grabbed my bag and I climbed out my window. I climbed down a tree and I walked down Jackson Street.

I was walking, it was getting real dark. I started to feel like someone was watching me, you know? Then the tree sounded like someone was in it.

Oh great

Drunk guy on the street, his hair looked dead and his hands look... Like almost eating flesh. "Uhm, okay" I said to myself, the drunk guy or homeless person looked at me.

What the--RUN!!

I ran past him, still heading to where I was going, I didn't want to go back home, not yet. I looked at the street.

Neibolt Street

I looked back he was gone, his face was weird looking, like he was dead for millions of years.

I walked slowly on the street.

'Hm no cars never gone on the street ever' I thought.

"Y/N," A familiar voice said, it was a whisper, and I turned around.

"Y/N, if you come with me... You'll float too," The voice said. I kept turning around to find no one around me.

"What do you want," I said then I stood my ground.

"What do you want, I'm not afraid!" I yelled.

"Oh Y/N, did I miss the fun, like that Richie kid, and... Eddie?" The voice was deep this time.

I knew who it was.


"Pennywise please come out, I need to--Ah!" I said and I screamed as Pennywise appeared behind me. I fell on my back and hit my head on the road. My head made a snap, I couldn't breath, it knocked the wind out of me.

"You know what I always say... Eenie minnie, miny, moe... Catch your lady by her toe... If she screams-- he paused and grabbed my foot, I started to breath heavily.

"No, please" I said.

"Don't. Let. Her. Go," He said before dragging me into an old house on the street."

2: 13am 10/27/1983

I heard voices, growling sounds, my ears started ringing. That smell, I know that smell.


"Goddammit, Pennywise!" I tried to yell but luckily it echoed. I don't care if he gets mad, he loves me.

Or does he?

I got up and there was the tower, with kids flying around like always.

"Hello children, keep floating... like you always do," I sighed. I searched around the tower.

Wait, that bracelet, I was wearing that and I never seen it ever since that whole thing being a dream. I heard growling coming my way.

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

I panicked, he was coming, I'm not scared. You just don't know what he's gonna do.

He came into my sight, his eyes glowing red at me, but then when he saw me they were blue. Oh, those blue eyes I love.

He towered over me, I grabbed something behind me, it was a wood plank from a broken chair.

"Oh, I missed you too much, my love," He said sniffing my fear, but he had a devilish smile plastered on his face.

"Ah, my love is not afraid, interesting, now you think this is a dream!?" He started to get angry that I had no fear.

"You will be, once I kill Eddie and Richie, and maybe the whole Losers Club," He smiled and laughed.

"Please don't hurt them, just take me and I'll do anything and you can do anything you want!" I knew what was probably gonna happen, nothing that's not so innocent.

"Even my sister, you leave her alone."

He smiled devilishly and he grabbed my face. Him practically drooling, looking at my body.

"I love it when you beg," He said.

I whimpered, closing my eyes and opened them again forcing the tears to fall.

He saw me crying and his face still smiling at the sight of me crying with fear. He sniffed me and he forced himself to not open his mouth.

"I've hold my feelings way too long, Y/N," I closed my eyes and waited for him to take a bite out of me.

I smelled cotton candy, it was close to me, then soft lips brush against mine. I open seeing Pennywise kissing me. I pushed him away.

"Pennywise, are you serious, I'm gonna be dead, look at me!" I pointed myself out and...

He kissed a 15 year old.

"Pennywise, I'm sorry but, you are gonna have to wait another 27 years." I said. He laughed and grabbed my face. His mouth opening wide and three bright lights far in his mouth.

Then I woke up in a different place, it was very nice

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Then I woke up in a different place, it was very nice. Then a man entered my room.

"Babe, come on, you're gonna miss work," The man said and I got up and looked at myself in the mirror.

This can't be real.

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