Gabriel Harper (Musical remedy_Closed)

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"Ah? It is Gabriel Harper, it is nice to meet you"

"I've been called many things by my fans..." the male chuckled, which soon turned into a laugh. "My favorite is maybe is Gaybear, or maybe Harpoon! Ah, I cannon decide"
(Gabe, Gabby, Briel, Harper)

"I am twenty three! Happy to be young and free"

"Oh...I did not know it was so hard to tell. Perhaps it'd be best to say male, that's what I am afterall"

"Missen? Are you alright? There are only humans on this world"
(He is human, but with a special ability)

"I've told my fans many, many times that I am bisexual, but sometimes they only want to think I am straight"

"I wouldn't know how to describe myself? I can try if you'd like though" Gabriel spoke with a soft smile. (The male is very generous, always wanting to give back what so many have given him. He is quite clever when it comes to solving puzzles, though not a math genius, he still sometimes surprises people with his other smarts. Gabe has a hard time sometimes expressing himself, and this can leave to him being quite shy, or quiet in general. This can sometimes even lead to him having to cancel a meet and greet for fans, or even midway forgetting what he was saying in the middle of a sentence. In a way the male has a innocent mind, he takes a while to pick up on dirty jokes, or anything other than what he was simply given. He's quite bashful when it comes to his fans, and more often then not Gabe ends up a red mess of embarrassment or hesitation)

[Likes/ Dislikes]
"Being around my friends and family, music, performing, my amazing fanbase. I could go on for all the things I love and are grateful, but then I'd be here all day" he spoke laughing quietly. (There isn't anything truly that the male doesn't like. The only exceptions being his disabilities, negative people, and cats. Cats are a big no)

~>Looks Profile<~

[Main appearance]
(Gabriel has a tall and stiff appearance, and while he looms over others he isn't a twig. He goes to body therapy because of health issues, and this has helped him develop a somewhat normal body build. He has brown messily styled hair, a brown eyes, and can often sometimes have stubble on his face)

 He has brown messily styled hair, a brown eyes, and can often sometimes have stubble on his face)

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