Chapter One

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Chapter One

Jazzlynn’s P.O.V                                                                      

My dad turned on the TV.

This is just in. A guy that appears to be still in his teen has been spotted running away from a crime scene with a gun. If anyone see’s this guy please call 1800-I-saw-the-guy’ The spoke woman spoke. What if the serial killer was a girl?

‘Also a girl has been missing if you see her please call 1800-I-saw-the-girl’ Question answered. Wow, they’re always posting stories without even knowing. They just want to tell everyone. GOD!

I took a glass of water, said bye to my mom and dad and went to my room. I turned off the lights and sleep.


I woke up and got myself ready for school. I did my hair and put on skirt and a white tank top. I put on caramel flats. I grabbed my note book and went outside.

“I can’t take you to school today honey” My dad said. If I would of known I would have worn sneakers.

“Is okay dad” I said. I added my goodbyes and began to walk. After about 10 minutes I arrived to the school. I went to a High School of Arts, it was for talented kids, I was in there for dancing and drawing.  The first thing my eyes landed on was Drake. He was so sexy. He was tall, dark brown hair that match the color of his eyes. He was muscular and the team captain for almost every sport known on the land. He smiled at me and waved. I waved back. TOMORROW I WILL SO TELL HIM! I thought to myself as I met up with Katy.

“Girl, tell me you did the calculus homework”

“But of course” I said. Knowing what she was going to ask I just gave her the notebook.

“Thanks” I smiled. The day went by smoothly. I only had 2 classes so I got to leave like at 12. As I was walking home I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching me. WEIRD! But is not the first time I’ve felt like I was being stalked.

“Mom, I’m home” I called out as I enter through the back door. I saw the mess: Dirty dishes all over the place, my mom sweating like a pig while cooking 4 different dishes and my dad eating very peacefully.

“Help” She said and I set my notebook down and went over to help. After about 2 hours the kitchen was cleaned and everything was done cooking or at the stove with only minutes of waiting

“Family is coming” She said as we sat down at the kitchen table.

“God, why does every family reunion has to be in our house? When are going to go to their house and make a mess?” I said with my hands above my head. We stared at each other and then began to laugh. I went to my room and changed into comfortable clothes. They consisted of a pair of cargos and a t shirt. I stayed barefooted, I loved the coldness of the floor.

I began to do my Calculus homework and in less than 15 minutes I was done. I layed my clothes for tomorrow, neatly on top of the dresser.


At 5 in the after noon people started piling in. Uncles, Aunts, grandparents, and cousins. I always have felt a phobia towards family reunion. For the simple reason that my father always gets drunk. He begins to talk about how bad they treated him and gets angry.

I said hi to all of them with a fake smile on my face. I wasn’t glad to see any of them. I disliked them. They looked at my family and I as lower than them. Like come on, one of my uncle was arrested for selling bad cars, another one was getting a divorce with his third wife, my cousins all had less awards than me, and my parents were earning a fair leaving. My father worked in the constructing industries and my mom was a custodial worker at a hospital. I didn’t care I was proud of them. Plus they gave me anything I wanted.

All the females were at the kitchen, the teens were outside with the little kids and the men were in the leaving room. I was talking to my mom and then I went out side.

“Hey” I said to all of them. They all looked at me and then turned away. Jake one of my closer cousins came to me.

“Hey” He said. We walked over to the steps and sat down. We quickly got engaged in a call of duty talk. It was mostly him talking and me just agreeing. I disliked most actions games. I saw them pointless and full of violence. 

When the hands of the clock layed on 10:43 with 38 seconds, they all left. I said all my goodbyes and told Jake that we would meet up later so I could give him the game.

I took a shower, said my goodbye’s and went to my room. I put on my pajamas and fall into the bed. As soon as it started raining I fell asleep.


Bump. Bump. There was something in my window. I looked up and walked to the window. There was a body shape. Maybe is just Mike. Mike was my best friend. Went over to the window and opened it. As lighting struck I saw the same face that was in last night news.

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