Chapter 9 Halvar

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Dragon: Snafflefang

Name: Tormentar

Personality: Loves slobbering on things, especially his trainer and is very playful

"Well, this is delightful". I sniffled and wiped my nose on my sleeve. "Yep! This is going to be a piece of cake. Isn't that right Tormentar?" I looked over at my strong Snafflefang. He was a handsomely blue and red dragon with a smug expression stuck permanently on his face. Just like me! I knew he was meant for me as soon as I laid eyes on him. True he did slobber all over me in joy. Which was... less than the strong minded creature I was hoping for but... secretly, I really love that side of me. My parents never paid any attention to me. They only cared about my strong brothers and sisters. So it felt good to have someone care about me. Even if it was the slobbery kind. Snotlout greeted me inside the Academy. We stared each other down until we both smiled and clapped each other on the back. Of all the original dragon riders, Snotlout was the only one to actually care to talk to me. Let alone become friends with me. It does get lonely being the only one in your house when the rest of your family is gallivanting around someplace. That's why I'm now glad that I have Tormentar for company. "Alrighty Halvar! We're going to start this off by having an air fight battle against each other. Meet me in five minutes above the Academy. Oh and I mean above the Academy" Snotlout said seriously. Jeez, whatever's happening sure is big for Snotlout to be as serious as he is now. I strap a spare saddle onto Tormentar (we hadn't had time to get our own saddles yet) and told him to take off. For a dragon not being able to fly as fast as a Night Fury or Nadder, Tormentar has some surprising attributes that make him more unique than other boulder class dragons. For one thing, his firepower is said to be very bright and can explode on impact. Very useful for battle. Also his tail can be used as a bludgeon to further destroy enemies. My new dragon is so awesome!!!!!! We met Snotlout outside in the air, both our dragons struggling to hover. Unlike the Gronkle, our dragons weren't meant to hover well or for very long. "Ok so are you ready? Let's begin!"

3 hour later

Tormentar and I sagged against each other exhausted. Wow! They're really pushing us hard. It has to be something major. It just has to be! Tormentar put him mouth over my head and slobbered on me less than he usually does at full energy. "Yep Tormentar! You and me both!" I rubbed his head affectionately. Helga walked past and eyed me weirdly. She's always been a bit weird that one. Thinks differently from the rest of us vikings and loves making these weird smoky things that bubble and spew everywhere. She also has this crazy look in her eyes when she does this. We stay clear of her when she's in these moods. If we're not careful, she could sign us up for something she calls, 'experiments'. I shivered and stood up, hurrying away with Tormentar by my side as fats as I could. There is no way I'm sticking around her! Thank goodness it's her turn and I can lie down in my own bed, Tormentar beside me, and rest. I think I've well enough earned a rest. Now, after the last few of us gets trained, will be the big question; What happens now?

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