{Chappie 9}

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~Squip's POV~ ~2 day time skip~

'Was Jeremy his last user?'

Oh, how close you are.

I paced back and forth, as (Y/N) talked with her mom, helping her set the table.

I wish I hadn't calculated this future. It was supposed to be improbable.

800,729,830 to 1, improbability, in fact.

But yet, here it is.

"Hey," I focused on (Y/N) and her mom, who had stopped for a second, "please try to seem normal. Dad told me that Mr. Heere told him that something bad happened near the end of last school year involving Jeremy. So, don't be too brash."

(Y/N) nodded. "I'll try," then continued to set up things for dinner.

A knock at the door interrupted the peaceful silence.

"I'll get it!" (Y/N) put down the plates she was holding, and went over to the door.

'Are you alright Squip?' She asked me indirectly.

"Fine, fine."

Tick: 2.

(Y/N) glanced back for a second, then opened the door.

Mr. Heere and Jeremy were standing there, seeming a bit uncomfortable.

Mr. Heere was wearing some jeans and a t-shirt, which seemed to fit him better. He's lost weight.

I noticed that Jeremy was wearing what he had always worn before I helped him.

{{{blue jacket, the striped shirt y'all know}}}

(Y/N) smiled, and welcomed them in. "Hey Jeremy, hello Mr. Heere. You got here a little early, but that's okay. We are almost done setting up."

Jeremy smiled back. "Well, Dad didn't want to come here too late."

Mr. Heere nodded as he walked in, followed by Jeremy.

"Better to be early than late, hmm?" He mussed Jeremy's hair, making Jeremy duck and run away.

Then he spotted me.


I forgot that even if someone's Squip was deactivated, the chip was still in there.

It allowed them to see other's Squips.

Jeremy's eyes went wide.

I was frozen. My programming was screaming at me to dissolve, dissolve, but I just couldn't.


{{there. Cliffy hangers. Imma leave now. I'm tired.

Bye my Squips and Bye Y'all!~}}

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