Chapter 3

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By LeMarkHamster (Mark Evans)

Wattpad Edition

Copyright © 2014 Mark

All rights reserved


  The setting sun colored the sky with beautiful shades of orange, blue and pink. Its light still illuminated the streets between closely packed houses. Carson stood behind a huge glass window -on top of the tallest building of his empire- overlooking the city below.

People scurried down on the streets looking no bigger than ants to him. The small houses below stretched in all directions. This was his beloved capital of his huge empire, which stretched from the Eastern Ocean to the Middle ocean -which divided his empire- and from there to the great plains of the land, his ancestors used to call 'America'. In their tongue, Carson controlled the continents of 'Europe' and 'Asia' along with a half of 'America'.

Out of the three Southern Lands, his enemy King Alex controlled one island nation. The other two turned to wastelands as they were used up of all their resources by the people centuries ago.

However, that did not concern him. Not now. Not after being so close to his dream. He had put everything in line for this and so far, it was all going well according to his plan. He just needed the dragon egg now and the rest was ready. He was waiting for quite some time actually for his most trusted man to make an appearance and give him the good news.

"Time" he said out aloud to no one in particular.

"Five twenty six PM" replied a feminine voice that seemed to come from every direction.

Enel was late again and Carson was hoping he would not defy his direct orders. Even though he was the cleverest man amongst all in his land, he was loyal to him and that was the reason Carson had made him his second in command.

The sky turned dark blue as twinkling stars appeared. The activity down in the streets increased and all the while Carson waited for the egg, which would change everyone's life drastically.


Enel glided through the streets on his sleek grey glider -an innovative gadget brought in the late twenty second century that changed the way of transportation- ducking and dodging people swiftly through the crowd. Through the gaps between the houses, he spotted the building he was looking for. It was hard to miss anyway with its tall glass covered surface that seemed to stretch and touch the sky, dwarfing the houses surrounding it.

His heartbeat pounded against his ears as he was exhausted of ducking and dodging people. The building reflected the sky's beautiful color of pink, orange and blue, making it a remarkable sight.

As the human sea ended, a clearing opened up in front of him. In front of him was a beautiful concrete park. The king's elite troops armed with their G17's patrolled it. The park was roughly circular in shape and of about a mile in diameter.

Nevertheless, Enel did not have time to appreciate its beauty. The board shot forward at an even higher speed as Enel leaned forward. The guards did not question the figure because they knew no one was mad enough to board in this speed except for him. He felt proud to know there was no boarder in this empire like him. The board started to rise up as he pushed its rear down. It was almost perpendicular to the tower and the glass windows passed under him in a blur. The only thing that kept him from falling was his custom-made gravity boots.

Although no one in all the empire dared to board up allong a building's height, Enel- being the best boarder- was both insane and brave enough to do it. He was good from his childhood at the one thing.

He had his first board on reaching the age of four. Since then he had developed a liking towards the sport. As he grew older, he participated in boarding duels and had won them all. Soon he was declared the best and the king had asked him to join his boarders. He obliged and became the king's favorite.

Snapping back to the present, he saw that he was at the top of the building. Before him, the structure ended abruptly on a wide platform about thirty feet long, across which, a structure made of glass stood. He jumped off his board and walked towards the glass wall that opened up in front of him.

He entered a room with a figure stood leaning on a desk looking at the stars. Enel bent down to a knee and said "Your majesty?"

There was a long pause that made him uncomfortable and nervous. Had he already found out? But no one knows anything about it. Horrible images flashed in his mind as he thought what the penalty for the failure would be.

Carson slowly turned and faced him.

"Rise" he said. Although they were close friends, Enel knew Carson enjoyed the sense of authority and power. He even had his parents forced to kneel in front of him. Everyone in his empire knew this. "So, I hope you have it?"

Enel got more nervous and his stomach turned. What would the king do with him now? Would he torture him for not obeying his direct orders? Alternatively, kill him and find someone new to do his job? The latter seemed better.

"Um, no Sire" he replied in a small voice.

"Tell me something Enel, what did I ask you to bring?" the king asked with anger in his voice. "All you had to do was bring me the dragon egg. WHICH PART OF IT DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?"

Enel's heart thumped loudly against his chest. "We weren't expecting a surprise attack, my lord. The Rebels located the egg too and were after it. They had brought some heavy fire power with them which we did not expect." his confidence slowly returned and he saw a way out of the situation. He continued, "They outnumbered us and kill everybody but me. I ran but their leader forced me to a fight. He teleported us somewhere and in the middle of the fight, the egg fell out of my hand and he teleported us somewhere again."

Carson frowned, clearly angry with him. After all it took him years of planning to get him here, and when he was about to launch the final phase a setback like this would definitely cost him. “You have two weeks to find it and get it back. If you fail this time..." Enel knew what he meant while chills ran down his spine.

"Yes your highness." He replied quickly, hurrying off outside. Damn. He was in a lot of trouble if he did not do something quickly. However, he had no clue as to where to start.

A face popped up in his head as he remembered seeing a shocked face of a teen watching him fight. Maybe if he could get to know where he lives he might be able to find the egg before the rebels do. He stepped out in the open where a cold breeze hit him. He jumped on his board and dived straight down while formulating a plan on getting the egg. Hoping that the boy was not involved with them otherwise, he'd have to kill him. Which he would gladly do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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