As an orphan
When I was a child I was abandoned. From the stories I heard a woman came and left me near the orphanage, some say she was my mother some say she was the first one who found me. But as far as I care she does not matter anymore, she left me out on the streets al by my self. So why should I care about her when she didn't even care about me.
And that brings me to the orphanage. The headmistress of the orphanage ,Lady Faiell, found me on the streets, they say about an hour after the woman left me there. She took me to the orphanage and put me among all the other orphans.
The government of our little town didn't really care much for the orphanage. So we lived on very little to no money. The leadsters of the orphanage tried to make most out of it but that wasn't easy. Most of us had to start working once we got to an appropriate age. When I became 13 I also had to go and get a job, because I was the only boy I was sent to the mines because that work made the most money. Most of the money I earned was sent back to the orphanage, I did not really mind but it was a tough life living in the mine sheds and being short on money.
When I started getting older better jobs became available, so I had to constantly switch to the jobs whom paid better. It became really difficult to adjust to the jobs because I had switched so many times. When I got to about 15 years old I was old enough to be send on quests. At first I did not want to but when I found out what I could get as payment I immediately changed my mind. I saw quests as a chance to pay back the kindness given to me ,even if it was very little, by the orphanage. Thats when I started doing quests for people, and began making loads of money. The orhans who were really young could stop working and live there childhoods in peace, because of al the money I send them. I became so happy with the results that I started going on better paid quests, ofcourse those would take longer and be tougher to compleet.
The orphanage upgraded with the money I gave them and started helping more children, witch also made me very happy. Most of the orphans could stop working and didn't have to go back to work until they turned 18. I was so thrilled with the results that I kept that pace going until I turned 17, at the time I turned 17 most of the other orphans had permanent jobs so the income of the orphange was pretty much stable even without my money, so I decided to leave.
I left the orphanige and decided that I should do things that would make me happy and think about myself for once. So I went to go and see the world, eventually I ended up doing quests along the way. I did go back once in a while to go and see how everyone was doing. They were pretty much doing fine most of the time. So I dediced to really distence myself and say good bye. So I went to the places the elder orphans moved to and said good bye, then I went back to the orphanage and said good bye to the younger orphans. And lastly I went to see the headmistress and the leadsters and said good bye to them, they did cry but wished me good luck on my adventure.
I also had an one on one talk with the headmistress ,Lady Faiell, and she told me to have a safe trip and to think of the orphanage now and then, she also told me she found out about the woman who left me. The woman was indeed my mother, so I decided that I should go and look for her.
Starmetal hills
So I headed out to find her to find my mother. It isn't easy to look for someone whom you know nothing about. I didn't even know where to begin looking for her, so I started out by asking around in my village. Ofcourse the people who saw me being left as an infant couldn't recall much from that time, but most did remember which way she went after she left me behind. I was also informed about some things in her apearence, like the fact that we share our hair and eye colour. My hair colour is brown, and my eye color is a very rare one since its a light yet darkish colour of green which she apparently shares with me. They also informed me about the strange pendant she was wearing it had a strange green stone in it.