Myena's Background

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Age 10:

I grew up in a large city called Krudon. My father was an elf and my mother was an orc. We were a decently happy family until I got to the age of 10. My mother had decided it was time for me to learn how to fight, defend my family and uphold the family honor and so forth. My mother was strictly training me the ways of a barbarian and my father didn't seem to care much for me anymore. I was trained at least once a week with the frequency of training sessions growing the older I got. Soon I was training every day until I was completely worn out. I didn't dare speak up about being tired or hurt because I had learned that only the weak admit such things, and I wasn't weak according to my mother.

Age 16:

After years of non-stop training my parents made me join their clan "The Copper Lion". This clan was known for their good deeds and their fierce and unholy ways. This clan fights for the good of its country and for money, their ideals are noble but their way of upholding these is brutal and unforgiving. In this clan you stay for life or die trying to get out. If you do manage to get out you'd better stay on guard at all times because you never know when they will find and kill you. I fought alongside the members of this clan and quickly realized how much more harm than good they tended to do. Of course they fought heavy and important battles that would save plenty of lives, the way they did so never made it feel like it. I could never find myself agreeing with what they did and I hated being forced to fight in their ways. I have hurt many people that didn't deserve to be hurt and I still regret it to this day. I was done with how they treated others and put themselves on a holy pedestal. I wanted to leave but everyone that had done so up until now had died. I thought of escaping in many ways but realized that they were all doomed to fail. I was rarely alone and if I was I wasn't alone long enough to get away.

Age 18:

My 18th birthday came around and as done by tradition the stories of my ancestors were carved onto my body. I had no way of stopping them and just endured the pain. My plans of escaping were wiped of off my mind by the tattoos carved onto my back. I felt like it was already too late for me to leave, I was in too deep. But some time past by and my guilty conscious grew stronger, I had too leave. I asked for a solo mission which to my surprise I got! I was sent off to deliver a few letters around town, it wasn't a grand mission but it was a single person mission. I was told to be back within an hour, which for the size our city was, would be a very short amount of time. I swiftly delivered the letters in an order that brought me right next to the city walls and I sneaked out watching if I was spotted. Still very young and dumb I fled to the next city on foot. Of course the adults who had horses and carriages caught up fast and I ended up having to fight for my life. I barely managed to escape a lethal blow to my neck causing a serious injury to my shoulder. I punched the person as hard as I could but my punch only caused the person to fall over. I used this opportunity to flee into the the town hiding in peoples houses. I was told of and kicked out many times but eventually found shelter with an old man. This man was called Meisan Themys he hid me from my pursuers. Even though I was very confused I decided to follow the man who seemed like he only had good intentions.

A few days of hiding in the nearby town passed. Although now it seems strange and unbelievable that I trusted Meisan, I had decided to follow him and learn from him. Meisan had packed bags for a long travel. During our travels Meisan would tell me stories of how he had taught children to read and about the many languages he knew. He also told me about an old library in which laid about a hundred books waiting to be read and discovered. Curious as I was I asked him to teach me to read in his language. Meisan Themys was a half-elf who only carried books written in common and elvish with him. Having only been taught orcish as a child these new languages intrigued me. I wanted to know what he knew having only been in my house for most of my childhood my knowledge was limited to how I should fight. Spending all this time with Meisan I started to develop an interest in learning. During our few years of travel I met many people who spoke in languages I couldn't begin to understand, yet I started to dream I could.

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