Chapter 3 - Comfort

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Taking a deep breath, I let out words with different tones, sounding like a song. "There's a place I know... that's tucked away..."

David looked down at me. I could feel his gaze on my head. I closed my eyes, and continued.

"A place where you and I can stay..." I heard David sniffle as I sang. "Max... a-are you okay?" He placed his hand on my shoulder as I felt my breathing shorten and hiccup a bit.

"W-Where w-we can g-go t-to laugh a-hand p-lay, he-he..." I sounded so dumb crying and singing like a dumbass... what the hell...

"Max! C-calm down! I-its okay, shshshsh..." He picked me up, and held me close, snuggling his face into my hair. I began... sobbing. This feeling... this warm feeling... I felt... safe...?

I hugged him tightly, sobbing into his sleepy-pine-tree counseling shirt. "Max... shh... it's okay, it's okay..." He rubbed my back, hugging me back. "D-David...?" Okay... I had a thought. Let me briefly go over my thoughts. I feel like if David was to adopt me, I might as well take this as serious as possible. I've had the urge to call him something closer than 'David' ever since he picked me up... Dad was the word I wanted to say, but I choked on my words, nothing coming out of my lips.

He gently began to bounce me, standing up and hugging me tight. My arms from instinct wrap around his neck.

'WHAT AM I DOING!? IM FUCKING TEN AND HE'S TREATING ME LIKE I'M FIVE!!!' I shake my head. 'No... this feels right. I can actually feel how much he cares...'

Sniffling, I look up at him. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. Da- DAVID leaned towards my forehead. "Don't hate me for this..." He pecked me on the forehead...? Wait.... this can't be real... he

couldn't care THAT much... could he? SHIT – I'M GOING SOFT! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!

"Max? You... aren't yelling at me?" I jump, putting my focus back onto his face. I push against his face, trying to get out of his grasps.

"Max – what're you doing?" "I-I don't want to be treated like I-I'm five, David. Let me go!" I keep pushing away, but a part of me just wants to stay. I don't want to be held I don't want to be held I don't want to-

"Max... Stop fighting. It's okay to be loved. It's okay to feel happy. You deserve happiness." I sniffle and stop struggling... what am I doing? What does he mean?

"W-wha...?" "You need to be happy. And I can guarantee that you will be happy with me... if you let me know how you feel. Just tell me if you don't want to be here. I can totally understand if you don't, beings I'm not the most liked person in your perspective, and I probably would've been your last choice. I'm sorry if you don't want to be here. I'm sorry if I disappoint you later. I'm-" I COULDN'T TAKE IT.

"David- I'M sorry. You shouldn't be apologizing. I'm always a little shit bag to you. Don't say you're sorry."

"M-Max... b-but..." "No buts. Please. I uh... want to be here..." The words hesitated to come out. There's something bubbling up in my throat. I need to say it. I can't hold onto it; NO- "...D-Dad..."

David looked at me, eyes wide. "W-what?" I feel my face get hot. I knew my face was red. "Y-Yeah, I-I said it. Don't make a big deal out of it." A cheesy smile spread across his face. Ugh, what was I thinking... My stomach rumbled as I wipe the excess tears on my face. Please don't tell me he-"OH- RIGHT! Let's go and finish our food. Do you want to be set down?" David asks. I shake my head. "This is fine... but only because my legs hurt, not because I like it." I say, crossing my arms.

Carrying me back to the dining room, he set me down onto the padded cushion chair. I look up at David. He smiles at me. I turn away. 'Whatever...' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. He walked over to his chair and grabbed it, dragging it over by me.

"What're you doing, David?" I question, watching him sit down and scoot himself forward a bit.

"Sitting by you. You looked lonely on the other side of the table." Rolling my eyes, I scoff at him. "Yeah, yeah. I was TOTALLY needing the company. Thoughtful. Almost so thoughtful where I might even cry!" Sarcasm spat out of my mouth. "I know! I am super thoughtful, aren't I?" He responds, obviously not catching the sarcasm. Rolling my eyes, I pick up a chicken nugget and shove it into my mouth. It wasn't as warm as earlier, but it was still good.

I begin shoving the food into my mouth. I was so hungry... then I felt a gaze on me. I look up, and I see David yet again staring at me.

"STOP STARING AT ME, GOD DAMN IT! It's creepy as fuck, David..." He jumped, laughing a little.

"Sorry, Max! It's just good to see you enjoying the food. You seem REALLY happy, so I just want to see you smile." He smiled at me sweetly. I couldn't help but look away, and smirking. I could like this... if I felt like giving the effort.

After we finished eating, we went to David's room which had a decent sized flat-screen T.V. I had Mr. Honey Nuts in my arm, and my socks slid across the wooden floor. I climbed up his bed, the green comforter cushioning me when I sat down. Grabbing the blanket, I pull it over my head, hiding myself. I wanted to scare David. He was making popcorn for the movie, so I wanted to hide under the blanket.

"Max! I've got the popcorn! Did you decide which.... Movie... Max?" I tried SO hard to not laugh. I was laying as flat as I could against the crease from the wall and the bed. I could hear him walking around. Suddenly it got silent.

"BOO!" He yanked the blanket off me, bursting out with laughter. David looked at me funny. "That wasn't supposed to make you laugh, that was supposed to scare you!" David chuckled along. "Did you forget I am scared of pretty much nothing except for not having a home and an old man..." I shudder. "Doing... stuff..." I finish. I shake my head and look at David. He had looked like he'd seen a ghost.

After a few seconds of utterly awkward silence, I finally answer David's question. "Maybe... Maybe we should watch a show on Netflix. It's called 'Stranger Things'." That show was AWESOME. I mean, it wasn't scary at all, and I hope David will get a good spook out of it... heh heh...

We finally finished the first season, and David was sitting over there, shaking. "M-Max...? Why'd w-we watch th-that? It was s-scary..." Laughing at him, I respond by saying "To spook you." I was literally rolling on the bed laughing. Then suddenly, I found myself thinking about my parents again. I curl up, hoping he still thinks I'm laughing, and suddenly cry. You guys don't understand... this is hard on me.

I felt David's arms wrap around me. "It's okay, it's okay... you don't have to worry about that anymore... you're okay..." He tried to comfort me. Clinging onto his arm, I cried. And cried. And cried...

And cried. I finally put myself to sleep crying, heh heh... I had felt him pick me up, slightly awakening me from my sleep. I feel him lay me down on his bed, then he walked over to the outlet and plugged a night light in. Turning out the lights, he shivered at the thought of the show. I smile.

My eyes were barely open, so I could still see him. He walked over to me, and laid down by me on the bed and he rested his head into his hand. I could see his soft smile. I knew he cared for me... but am I ready for him to be my full-on dad for the rest of my life? Maybe, but maybe not. I don't exactly know how I feel... but I find myself clinging onto him. Hugging him tightly. So tight, I could hear his heartbeat.

The warmth of his body made me feel safe. Why in the hell did I enjoy this? Was it because this was the first time I got to do this? I don't know... we'll have to see... maybe this won't be too bad living with David.

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