chapter 7

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Percy had never been to Washington before. After having been there only a few hours he was already inlove the scenery was hands down amazing.

That was one of the things he was so excited for on this road trip, seeing alll the amazing places and landscapes he had never seen before.

Luckly annabeth had wanted to see a diffrent part of Washington so percy would only have to see her in theor hotel.

He and his family took a tour to see the sights. Estelle got bored half way through and requested to be put on percy's shoulders but he really didnt mind.

"I think its really pretty" Estelle yelled from percy's shoulders

"Oh yeah," percy asked whilst laughing " whats your favourite part?"

"The big mountains" she told him whilst spreading her hands to show him how big they were.

They sat down for a nice family lunch in one of the little cafe's. Percy was starving but he also knew their was an all you can eat at the hotel so he stuck to a sandwich.

When they got back to the hotel estelle decided to throw a tantrum because she wanted to stay with 'mummy and daddy' percy however was not complaining as this meant he would get a bed tonight rather than a sofa.

"Hey" Annabeth greated him as he walked through the door.

He nodded back at her. He was trying his hardest to pretend he didnt dislike her however he was very much struggling.

"No Estelle?" She asked.

"errr no she wanted to stay with mum and paul so..." percy explained.

"Ahh makes sence" she said back.

Dinner wasnt for another hour and there was nothing to do at this hotel so he was stuck in a room with her with nothing to do.

"My laptop has Netflix, if you wanna watch something" she asked

"Nah im cool put on what you want" he responed.

He understood this situation wadsnt easy for her and she was only trying to be nice but for some reason it made him feel more pissed off.

She put on Brooklyn nine nine and no matter how good of show that was it was not going to sway his opinion of her.

After dinner percy waited in the bathroom as annabeth got changed. For him it was easy, he threw his shirt of and changed into pj bottoms. Usually he slept in boxers however for this trip he brought bottoms with him.

Annabeth was already in bed when he left the bathroom,

" night annabeth sleep well" he told her as he plugged in his head phones to watch youtube till he fell alseep.

"Night perce" she whispered.

Hey i thought i was posting this early but as its 12.06 its wednesday so on time. This is the first time ive kept to a writing plan for longer than a week, so hope you guys enjoy let me know what you think love you all loads. Xxx

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