28 || ❝the tension lingering between.❞

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❝C'mon," said 103 as she grabbed her male companion by the hand

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❝C'mon," said 103 as she grabbed her male companion by the hand. Dragging his tall and slender frame to a rather shady tree, his heart couldn't help but flutter at how perfectly her little palm fit in his.

When they arrived beneath the tree, she latched just beneath his elbows to steady his posture. Sure, she'd usually go for the shoulders, but in this case that was nearly impossible unless she went to stand on one of those crusty looking benches.

"So, I'm just gonna get straight to it." 103 was a to the point kind of girl and this scenario was no different. Though she was nearly trembling from the inside, she didn't dare let London see how fearful she was of something so simple as his kisses. Yet, her mind was racing a million miles a minute. How could she resist reacting to his touch, to his kiss? What if she ended up melting into a puddle of pudding before him? Or worse...what if he was just a really horrible kisser?

As fast as her thoughts were going, London's heart was racing even faster. He wished he had brought his inhaler with him because if he didn't end up having a panic attack, he surely was going to end up having an asthma attack by just anticipating what was to come. In just a few moments, his lips would be gently brushing those of the adorable stranger before him. There was a one-hundred percent possibility that he would end up embarrassing himself before her, and he just wasn't ready to humiliate himself. Sure, the whole point of their meeting was so that he could learn, but it would've helped a lot if she was just...less attractive. Maybe then his nerves would ease a little.

"Obviously, we both know why we're here," said 103 as her eyes stayed glued to the ground. Nervously biting her lip, London noticed that maybe he wasn't the only one with the jitters. Either way, she seemed to be very good at concealing her emotions.

"So, the faster we get this over with, the faster we can get milkshakes," she said with much enthusiasm.

Fiddling with the cap upon her head, she carelessly tossed it by the nearby tree trunk. Then was when London made sure to pay attention to close detail, as she had instructed him to do over the phone. Her roots were growing out, revealing the true brown color of her hair. The farther you traveled down her locks, they faded into a dyed shade of blonde. Her long lion's mane was so thick, was so appealing to his eye that he wanted nothing more than to put his hands through it. But he resisted.

"Thought that might get in the way."

"You look great without it though," he genuinely complimented, which made 103 the slightest bit shy. 103 fiddled with her hands as she glanced away for one second. Then her eyes lovingly peered up at him.


Flashing him an angelic smile, London was shocked that his soul didn't take flight right then and there. If he could come to any conclusion about the girl before him, it was that she was absolutely breathtaking.

"Now," clasping her hands together, she turned more serious. "Show me, demonstrate how you go in for a kiss."

"Is there a right or wrong way to do this?" London questioned as a rosy color brightened his cheeks.

"Just show me what you got and I'll correct you."

So he did just as she said. Awkwardly, he leaned over and cupped the side of her face. Slowly leaning into her tiny frame, the distance between them began to close. Every individual hair on his body stood up as he got closer and even closer to kissing 103's soft, pink lips. Her skin was as soft as he had expected, her hair smelled of a fresh apple scent as the cool breeze rustled through her luscious locks.

"Nope," her lips sensually whispered as they were mere centimeters from meeting his. Grabbing his opposite hand which dangled carelessly at his side, she took it and wrapped his hand around her hip. Knowing she was setting herself up for failure, she felt an army of goosebumps crawl up her arms. As if that weren't bad enough, butterflies tickled the inside of her stomach. And though butterflies weren't contagious, they sure seemed to be today. They rumbled within the boy's stomach, creating an earthquake of nervousness. Nearly trembling at this rate, he was so afraid of this new emotion that had taken ahold of him. His brain was hazy, his thoughts moving a million miles a minute. London Watkins now had no brain, only reckless male hormones to guide him.

Taking a step back to cool off from the tension lingering between them, 103 cracked a friendly smile. "Okay, the cupping of the face was good. But you never let your other hand just stay there. Do something with it. Girls like, as I demonstrated, the hip hold. You can also place your hand at the small of her back and hold her there. Or you can use your free hand to comb through her hair, but watch out for knots because...you know what, you're a beginner. Don't do the hair one. Scratch that."

London's heart sank. There went his one chance.

"Now, try again. And this time, be a bit more confident. You're nervous."

"So were your goosebumps."

As she let out a light giggle, he gently cupped his hand around her face as he wrapped his other hand around her hip as she had demonstrated a moment ago. Wrapping her slender arms around his neck, he could feel jagged breaths coming from her. The rise and fall of her chest was not nearly as audible as his own heartbeat that was now ringing through his ears.

And then slowly and softly, his lips traced over her perfectly soft lips. Tingles traveled up through his spine and down through his legs as it felt like electricity was surging through his veins when she returned his soft kisses. His entire being felt like it was taken on a euphoric flight as adrenaline rushed through his veins. Intuition kicked in as his kisses became more hungry, more passion-filled. 103 was taken by surprise at just how well he was doing for an inexperienced kisser. And though she'd never verbally admit it, every individual cell of her body was rather enjoying it.

As his kisses became even more hungry, she reciprocated his energy by tugging on his bottom lip- teasing him, leaving him wanting more. And he obviously liked it because he smirked between kisses as he leaned her against the nearby tree, putting his hands through her long hair. Becoming weak at her knees, 103 was afraid he had figured out all of her weaknesses from their conversations. He was using them to his advantage! And just when she thought he couldn't drive her anymore crazy, he tugged back at her bottom lip. He didn't know what a rush of female hormones he just released. 103 dreaded where this was heading, but she couldn't resist the kisses she had been so longing for.

Afraid of where this situation was going, she tried to wrap her mind around reality. Trying to collect her thoughts, she was swiftly sidetracked as his lips began sliding kisses down her neck. His bare lips against her bare skin, her body had no way of hiding the goosebumps that made her shiver at his touch. And as she loudly gasped, she pushed him away from her.

"Too much, too much! You win, goodness, you win!" She could no longer handle the tension as she adjusted her jacket sleeve that had managed to slide down during their unexpected make out session.

"WHAT THE HELL LONDON?! What was that?!"

Putting a hand through his hair, his face was already a shade of tomato red and was only getting brighter. "T-th-that bad huh?"

What? Did he not just experience the same thing she did? Her jaw nearly dropping to the floor, she couldn't help but send him a mischievous smirk. "No! Quite the opposite actually."

"Wait, really?"

"Dude, I don't know how you say you're inexperienced because you seem more than well prepared to me. THAT. WAS. A. KISS!"

"Wait, wait, wait," he said, cocking his head to the side. "Are you saying that you actually enjoyed it?" As one of his eyebrows rose, 103 sexily bit her lip and winked at him.

"Not as much as I'm going to enjoy this milkshake. C'mon!"

And for the first time, she laced her fingers between his as they walked to the nearby eatery. And he let her.❞

© Lightning_Stryker 2020

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