BONUS 5: ❝the pop tart bandit.❞

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Bold: London

Italics: 103

Ohhhh boy.

That's the same thought going through my mind right now. What's wrong?

I don't know how to put this lightly, so I'm just going to dive right in...I just told my parents about you.

Y-you did?

I had to tell them eventually and now they're like flipping out on me!


Because apparently 'I've never been interested in anyone in my whole eighteen years of life'.

No offense, but do your parents not understand teenage hormones at all? I have raging hormones sometimes.

But Sophie, you have to understand. I've never told them about meeting with a girl before. To them, this is like a major milestone for me. I guess it's a way to prove that I'm just like all of those others teenage guys out there.

You know...there are tons of other ways to prove that...

I'm being serious. C'mon.

Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Bad time to make a joke. I apologize, Mr. Watkins.

I don't know what was worse. Your innuendo or the fact that you just called me Mr. Watkins...


So what do your parents think of me? You didn't tell them that I'm crazy, did you?

No. I told them, 'You'd like her. She's pretty perfect, you know.' And they just kind of blinked at me until they realized that I wasn't joking. Admitting that I like someone is like saying that hell froze over. They think it's impossible. 

Well, man...I'm kind of nervous now.

No need to be. I put in a good word. I mean they eventually would like to meet you, but for now I told them to give me some time and space. But apparently my dad didn't get the memo when he decided to sit down with me and give me 'the talk'.

Oh gosh. We're literally going to meet each other for a day. Do they think we're going on a secret rendezvous or something? Sheesh.

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