Stepping on Stones : 19/8/17

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They say that human beings are the only ones to step on the same stone twice

It's not always out of repeating the same mistake

It's actually about having faith that things will be different

Believing that people can change

That the next time it will be different

That you'll be surprised

That you'll be proud of them

But all you receive is dissapointment after dissapointment

People will always Betray you

It's in their selfish nature

They'll throw you to the wolves as soon as they get a chance

As long as it benefits them they'll push you of their lives

They will ignore everything you've done for them

And Push you out of their lives when they don't need you anymore

They'll neglect your existence

And forget you ever existed , even if you helped them be where they are now.

So it's not tripping on the same stone twice , it's believing in change

Believing that things will be different

And that humanity can change if it wills it.

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