jealous~finn x reader

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ugh today. why'd today have to be today? i absolutely did not want it to be today. i play will byers twin sister in the show stranger things. she's mikes best friend and she has a crush on him. sadly, i ended up falling for my co-star, finn wolfhard.

i mean, who wouldn't? it's finn fucking wolfhard. well anyways, today was the scene where mike had to kiss el. and i was not excited. because number one, my character sees and she gets emotionally damaged. and number two, i would actually be emotionally damaged because well i like finn.

i was in my trailer when i heard someone knock on the door. "y/n i know you're in there," i heard millie say. "come in millie," i said. millie opened the door and sat next to me on my couch. "i'm not excited for today's scenes," i said as i looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

she sighed and said,"me neither." then i heard another knock at the door. "come in," i yelled. it was one of the duffer brothers. "we have to start shooting. go get ready," he said. me and millie looked at each other desperately and sighed. we got up and went to our make up artists to get ready.

i wore a daisy button-down shirt and blue shorts. she did my hair up in a curly ponytail.

when she was done, i walked over to set and saw caleb and gaten sitting off to the side, giggling

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when she was done, i walked over to set and saw caleb and gaten sitting off to the side, giggling. "what are you two girls giggling about?" i asked them. they looked over to me. "finn has to kiss millie today," caleb said.

i rolled my eyes and said,"yeah i know." gaten walked over to me and nudged my shoulder. "someone's jealous," he snickered. i snorted,"ya think?" i never denied to mille, caleb, or gaten that i had a crush on finn. finn was just so oblivious to notice.

"relax it's not like he likes millie. if anything he likes you," caleb said. "yeah okay. and my brother is tom holland," i said sarcastically. "why don't you believe us each time we tell you this?" gaten asked. "because i know it's not true," i shrugged.

"come to set, guys," the duffer brothers said. finn, millie, and i walked over to set and got into places. i stood behind a wall near where the door to the 'cafeteria' was. "ready! set! and action!"

"nancy will be like your new sister. and my mom will be like your new mom," finn said, in character. "and you'll be my new brother?" millie said as eleven. "no, no," finn said. "no?" millie questioned. "well you see there's this snowball. and it'll be weird to go with your sister. you go with someone y-you like," finn said.

"like? like a friend?" millie asked. finn nodded,"yeah, well actually no. you go with someone that-um." finn stopped talking and thought for a moment. he looked at millie, then he leaned in quickly and kissed her.

then he pulled away and millie looked surprised. then it was my cue to walk in. i walked through the door and dropped the tray of chocolate pudding i had. finn looked at me and got up. i felt tears forming in my eyes. they weren't acting tears, they were very much real.

"i-i'll just go now," i stuttered and walked away. "alright and cut!!" the director yelled. i felt more tears coming out of my eyes, so i ran towards my trailer. "goddamn it, finn!!" i yelled as i slammed the door of my trailer shut.

i slid down the door and hugged my knees. i didn't know why i was crying this much. it was just a kiss, it's not like millie liked him. it just made me realize i'll probably never have a chance with finn.

i heard a knock on my door. i got up quickly and wiped the tears off my face. "who is it?" i yelled at the person on the other side of the door. "it's millie," they said. i walked over to my couch and yelled,"come in!"

she came in and looked at me. "oh poor, y/n," she said sarcastically, knowing it would cheer me up. i laughed and sniffled. she sat down next to me and i leaned my head on her shoulder.

"guess what?" she said. "what?" i asked, not really in the mood for anything. "finn's looking for you and should be here in 3 2 1," as she said one, there was a knock on the door. "y/n can i come in?" i heard finn on the other side. i got up and looked at her, wide-eyed.

"millie he can't see me like this," i exclaimed. she walked over to me and inspected me. "you look perfectly fine, y/n," she said as she wiped a tear from my cheek. "come in finn!" she yelled. finn opened the door and walked in, with his hands in his pockets.

millie walked towards my door but then looked back at me and winked with a thumbs up. finn walked over to me and asked,"are you okay?" i nodded and said,"i-i'm fine. i just wasn't feeling well. that's all." he looked at me and shook his head while chuckling. "what's so funny?" i chuckled.

"i know why you were crying and i should've seen it before," he said. "and why is that?" i asked. he smirked and said,"because you like me and i kissed millie." i rolled my eyes,"well if millie could get a kiss, it shouldn't be hard for me to get one."

then i felt a soft pair of lips on mine. he put his hands on my waist and i put my hands on his shoulders. i smiled into the kiss. we both pulled apart for air. "what you didn't let me say was that i realized i liked you too," he said.

"well hot diggity," i said sarcastically. he laughed and i laughed too. then he pulled me into a tight hug. well today was just great.
hope you guys enjoyed this!! make sure to comment and request imagines that you want me to write!! till next time!!❤️😚

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