mine~eddie x reader

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this was requested a while ago but i never got to it. but hope you enjoy :))
"but mom!!-" eddie started. "no 'but's eddie!! i don't want you hanging with that girl anymore," eddies mom said. eddie groaned and stomped up to his room. he slammed the door and face planted onto his bed. he sat up
and huffed. he looked at the phone on his nightstand.

he picked it up and dialed a phone number. after a few rings someone finally picked up. "hello?" y/n said. eddie sighed in relief. "hey y/n,"eddie said. "oh hey eddie. what's up?" y/n asked, over the phone. eddie took a deep breath. "can i come over to your house like, now?" eddie asked.

"another fight with your mom?" y/n asked, a bit concerned. eddie nodded, but then spoke, realizing y/n couldn't see him. "yeah," he said sadly. "of course you can come over," y/n said. "ok i'm coming over now," eddie said as he hung up the phone.

eddie hopped off the bed and walked towards his window. he opened it and took one last look of his room before he jumped out. he walked to the front of his house and got on his bike. he rode towards y/n's house, seeking her comfort.

he got to her house and went to the side where her room was. he found little pebbles on the floor and threw one at her window. he saw her figure approach the window. she opened it and stuck her head out. "hey eddie. come to the back door," she said as she closed the window again.

he looked to the unlocked fence and walked over to it. he opened it and walked onto her back porch. the back door opened and y/n pulled eddie into the house. eddie yelped in surprise but y/n covered his mouth just in time so her sleeping parents wouldn't be woken up.

she grabbed eddies hand and took him to her room. (*liza koshy voice*not like that, ya nasty) eddie blushed the entire way, they walked into her room and she closed the door. he sat on her bed and examined the room. it'd been a while since he was last in her room, his mom to blame.

"you okay?" y/n asked eddie, breaking him out of his train of thought. "huh? oh um yeah. i'm fine i guess," eddie said. y/n sat down next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "eddie, are you okay? what happened with your mom?"

eddie sighed,"she just, ugh, she was saying things about you and saying how i wasn't able to hang out with you anymore." y/n looked down at her feet, trying not to show her frown so eddie wouldn't feel bad, but that didn't work. "you feel sad don't you? ugh sometimes i hate my mom," edie said.

y/n protested,"no eddie. it's fine, really. your mom hates me with a burning passion. most people do anyway lets just go to sleep, okay?" eddie sighed,"yeah i guess." y/n walked over to the bed with eddie and then both slept on other sides of the bed. with him under the covers, both drifting off into sleep.

next day at the quarry

"sissy's," beverly said to the boys before she jumped off the cliff. y/n chuckled and richie yelled,"what the fuck?!" this made y/n laugh even harder. "guys we just got shown off by a girl," eddie said. y/n looked at eddie and smirked. "make that two girls," before they could say anything, y/n jumped and did a front flip into the water.

"way to go, hot stuff!!" richie yelled. "don't call her that," eddie said. richie pushes up his glasses. "aw is little eddie getting protective of his girlfriend," richie said. eddie rolled his eyes,"whatever, trashmouth." then eddie jumped off the cliff and fell into the water.

one after another, the rest of the losers jumped in too. they splashed water onto each other, which led to a water fight. afterwards, they all laid on a rock to relax. "hey y/n. do you want to go on an ate? i'll give you the D later," richie said, winking at you. you rolled your eyes and said,"shut the fuck up, tozier."

everyone else laughed at his lame attempt to flirt with you, except eddie. he found it quite annoying, actually. he knew y/n wasn't his but he couldn't help to feel jealous. like he should be the one that can make you blush, or take you out on dates, or hug you.

"you okay, eddie?" ben said, the losers staring at him worried. he shook his head,"um yeah i'm fine." they all shrugged and paid attention to whatever ben was trying to tell them about. eddie couldn't focus, definitely not with y/n only in her bra and underwear. he couldn't help but look her body's beautiful curves and her soft skin.

richie was talking to her, attempting to make jokes and pick up lines. it made her laugh and eddie loved the way her nose crinkled when she laughed. eddie sighed, y/n doing what she normally does without knowing the effect she had on eddie made him heartbroken.

y/n noticed eddie looking at bit off, but she didn't think much of it. knowing it was probably what happened last night between him and his mother still taking a toll on him. after they all finished at the quarry, they biked around the small town of derry. each loser slowly branched off from the rest, making their way home.

except y/n and eddie, they went to an open field. their favorite spot to think or just enjoy the others presence. they found their favorite tree and laid under it, looking at the clouds. "hey eddie. what happened back at the quarry? you were acting a bit weird," y/n asked him.

eddie shrugged,"i don't know." y/n sat up and huffed. "what do you mean 'i don't know'? you always act weird when we're hanging out with the losers or even when it's just me and you. don't you think i didn't notice," y/n said, obviously annoyed with eddies weird actions.

"well it's not my fault my heart fell in love with my best friend. it's not my fault my eyes can't help but admire her every time i'm with her. look i love you y/n. and i wasn't planning on telling you like this or i wasn't planning on telling you ever. because i didn't think you'd love me back. and now i probably ruined our friendship because of me," eddie said, a little out of breath.

y/n stared at him with a shocked expression. she never thought her best friend and 2 year long crush would ever admit his love for her. she smiled and pecked his lips quickly. looking for an answer in his eyes, y/n waited for him to say something instead he just kissed her again.

y/n felt butterflies in her stomach and so did eddie. he placed his hands on her waist and she put her hands on his shoulders. they pulled away and smiled widely. "i love you so much, y/n," eddie said. "i love you too eddie."

"will you be mine?" eddie asked. y/n nodded and kissed him softly again.
hahaha you guys thought i was dead didn't you?? yA cAn'T gEt riD oF mE tHaT eAsY bUd. ya girl has the flu and i've been in and out of sleep and i also i haven't gone to school in a few days. oof life is great. anyways till next time!!💓💞💖💖💘💘💞💓💖💞

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