gamer girl pt.2~mike x reader

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"just a little warning, i'm not the best at galaga," mike said sheepishly. you smiled,"i guess it'll be practice for you, huh?" mike laughed,"you could say so."

he stepped next to you and inserted a quarter. you placed your hand on the joystick and so did he, your hands touched and you blushed, but didn't move your hand. mike was blushing too but yours was a bit more red.

he helped you throughout the game, staying by your side. you knew how to beat the game but you needed a reason for him to stay with you. for him to talk to you. you wanted to know what the real mike wheeler was like.

tomorrow at school {halloween}

"guys? guys!!" dustin yelled. mike and lucas stopped arguing and paid attention to dustin. "what?" will asked. "why isn't anyone else wearing costumes?" dustin asked. they all looked around to see someone people laughing at them.

but most importantly, no one was wearing costumes, except them. they walked into school, getting stares and laughs. "it's a conspiracy theory, i'm telling you," dustin said. "everyone dressed up last year," will said.

"who you gonna call?" one kid yelled. another yelled back,"the nerds!!" everyone laughed. "we'll see you later," dustin and lucas said, walking towards their lockers. mike and will walked to their lockers and opened them.

mike turned his head and saw you at your locker. he tapped will rapidly, waiting for him to respond. "what??" will asked, a little annoyed. mike pointed towards you, obviously out of words.

"it's y/n/n, so what?" will asked, confused. "d-do you think we should invite her to trick or treating with us?" mike asked nervously. will smirked,"you like her don't you?" mike scoffed,"no no. i'm just saying she could not have any friends to go with."

"yeah right. c'mon," will said as he grabbed mikes arm and walked towards you. "w-what're you doing??" mike asked frantically. he stopped beside you and tapped your shoulder. you turned around and looked at will and mike.

"hi y/n/n. i'm will byers, we have science class together. mike and i were wondering if you would like to go trick or treating with us tonight? considering you're new and may not have friends," will said sweetly.

you smiled and nodded. "sure i'd love to go trick or treating with you. see you guys tonight," you said as you walked off to your class. will smiled and punched mike playfully. "see man? was that so hard?" he said.

mike shook his head, watching you gracefully walk off. "wow mikey's in loveeee," will said. "shut up, byers," mike said playfully. they both walked to their class, you still fresh in mikes mind.

halloween night

"hey what's wrong?" johnathan asked will. "nothing. it's just, i can't do anything by myself. walking around on halloween night with your friend and a babysitter is pretty lame," will said.

"you think i'm lame?" johnathan laughed. "no no it's not like that," will said. johnathan thought and said,"how about, you be back by 9:00?" will smiled and asked,"9:30..?"

johnathan shook his head and laughed,"9:00." will nodded and opened the car door. "thank you johnathan," he said as he got out of the car. "i hope it doesn't suck," johnathan said as he tried to impersonate dracula.

will walked to his friends, who were waiting for him at the sidewalk. they walked down a couple houses from mikes, getting candy at every door. they were walking away from another house, talking about their favorite candy when you jumped out from a bush.

they all screamed but lucas screamed more girl-like. you laughed hysterically. "that, was freaking hilarious. y'all got so scared. and you, your scream is hilarious," you said as you gestured towards lucas.

mike and will laughed too, earning a dirty look from lucas. you stared walking to the next house but then you turned around to see them staring at you. "are we going trick or treating or not? c'mon," you said.

they all looked at one another and started walking with you. mike caught up to you and walked beside you. "i didn't think you'd actually come with us," he said shyly. you chuckled,"well i don't have friends and you and will are the only ones who've actually talked to me since i moved here."

he nodded and kept walking with you in silence. will, lucas, and dustin walked into the neighborhood called loch nora. you and mike were behind. mike looked at you and all your facial features.

your hair, your skin, your small beauty marks, it all mesmerized him. "take a picture, maybe it'll last longer," you said with a smirk. he went wide eyed and his cheeks had a faint red on them. lucky for him, it was dark enough outside that you couldn't see.

"s-sorry i just th-think you're very pretty," mike said, his voice cracking. you smiled and you felt your cheeks heat up. "thanks, wheeler," you said. mike looked towards the boys.

he stopped walking and so did you. "you okay, mike?" you asked a little worried. he nodded then looked back at you. he glanced at your lips and leaned in quick. as soon as his lips touched yours, you kissed back.

he pulled away and looked at you, looking into your eyes to see a reaction. you smiled and put your hands on his neck and kissed him again. his hands went to your waist and rested there. you were interrupted by a not so subtle cough.

you both jumped away from each other, red faced and embarrassed.
"stop sucking face and let's go trick or treating," lucas said. you giggled softly and mike turned a light pink. "i really really like you, y/n," mike said.

you stopped laughing and smiled up at him. "i really really like you too, mike," you said. you both returned trick or treating, walking hand in hand.
welp i hope you guys enjoyed this part 2. till next time!!❤️😚

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